It was a day like any other. But then She started trying to tidy up, so we knew something was strange. She put on Her coat and as She was going She said "Now then cats, I want you to be good and come for a walk when I get back and be nice to the lady who is with me. She is coming to see you and she is from the tv."
We do not know where the tv is, but as She walked off down the garden path we looked around at the house. It was time to get to work. Maurice did the dusting, Max tidied things away, Elmo made some soup and just in time Kiffer stopped him putting mice in. Whatever people in tv do they probably do not eat mouse soup. Martha washed up and I made the bed. Then, when we heard the car coming back we all curled up and made like cats.
The sun was shining. It seemed the tv lady had traveled a long way, through rain and snow and was amazed. Pembrokeshire had put on her very best blue sky dress and the sun shone warm on the budding gorse flowers.
So, we gathered and we walked.
We do not know where the tv is, but as She walked off down the garden path we looked around at the house. It was time to get to work. Maurice did the dusting, Max tidied things away, Elmo made some soup and just in time Kiffer stopped him putting mice in. Whatever people in tv do they probably do not eat mouse soup. Martha washed up and I made the bed. Then, when we heard the car coming back we all curled up and made like cats.
The sun was shining. It seemed the tv lady had traveled a long way, through rain and snow and was amazed. Pembrokeshire had put on her very best blue sky dress and the sun shone warm on the budding gorse flowers.
So, we gathered and we walked.

Her hair looked very pretty with the sun shining through it.

On top of the hill the wild ponies were on the rock that we wanted to climb, but we walked up anyway, past the witness stone. The low thorn trees hung with lichen, no flowers yet but Kiffer followed the rabbit paths through the twisted thorns.

She seemed very nice, the Lucy lady. She talked of cheetahs, big wild cats in Africa, magical fast creatures. But soon it was time for her to go back to London, through the rain and the snow and away from the warm. A long way to go to walk with cats. Perhaps she will be back. We hope so. She liked the soup.
You couldn't possibly give Tigger, Marley & Bear some housekeeping lessons, could you? But not the recipe for mouse soup, please.
what crafty kitties you are.Very noble, thoughtful also.
You kitties did a wonderful job providing hospitality for your guest. That was very smart not to put the mice in the soup...'twould be a waste of good mouses! The Lucy lady looks like somebody who enjoys the company of cats. Is she going to do a TV program about walking with cats?
You certainly gave the lady from the tv a lovely welcome to your home.
How could anyone bear to return to a city after walking in beautiful country with cat companions? I'm sure Lucy will not forget this assignment and her gracious welcome.
Haha! Great post! Ooh, it sounds very exciting, look forward to hearing more! Yum, Heinz Soup Variety 58, 'Mouse' !!
I think she just came to feel your soft thick fur.....
What a glorious walk you all had!
Thank Her for posting those wonderful photos - and I'll bet that tv lady will be back!
Your photos always amaze me! Your ginger cats almost look irridescent amongst the rock and moor plants, almost reminding me of one of those Christmas card with the picture done in foil.
I enjoy the tales, and reading of your life and theirs. Thank you for a lovely blog!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
You Ginger Cats are so talented! You tell wonderful stories, and you are also very beautiful. It makes me wish I had ginger fur too....though I do love my thick fluffy coat quite a lot.
I wonder if you will know more soon about the reason for the mysterious visit of the lady from tv? I will come back again and see if there is more to the story.
Miss Kitty
Mmm... You walked and the kitties follow you? I wonder if the Spice Cats would follow me if I bring them out for walks.
Hey! Excelent blog! (That's great!)... Congratulations...
I invite you to visit me in
The first is eterely dedicated to the cats!... There are in catalan, bu you can translate it easy whith the google tool...
I repeat you... Congratulations!
Lucky Lucy Lady... first getting to see cheetahs in Africa and then ginger tigers in Pembrokeshire.
A good thing you didn't give her mouse soup - it is most likely it would have been wasted. I don't think people from tv like mouse soup. This is good because there's more for you.
So good of you to make her feel so welcome.
TB. Hm.
You weell be fighdeen' arff the paparazzi, my frien's.
Neghds time you maghe the mouse soup. She no lighe, she no good.
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