We cats have been given a few awards of late and would like to say a big thank you to all. We thought it would be good to give Her an award, or a prize, for managing to finish Her book on time, and for starting another, and for attempting to tidy up, but getting distracted. Imagine Her delight then, when She found Her big juicy award slightly hidden in the pile of washing that waits to be done. She was so so pleased and made such a fuss! We still do not understand why She had muesli that morning for breakfast when the rat was so fresh. Maybe She wants to save it, to show people how good we are to Her?
Oh delightful1! It is barely Saturday morning here and I'm justheading to bed. I hope my darlings don't bring me any treasures.
How could anyone not love cats?
When Osiris was younger, I used to step on awards every morning when I went to the garden. The mice where always put right where I would step. Once I even found a real big rat lyind on my garden armchair outside. It was a Satturday morning. Of course, I made a fuss. Even more when my daughter told me she saw it on Wednesday, but did not tell me or removed it not to spoil the surprise.... Either Osiris lost her hunting skill or motivation as she grew older, or since the cat population has grown, they are more hunters and less mice. But frankly I don't miss this favor :-)
Oh...poor Mr rat!
I read some where that cats bring us their trophies because they are trying to teach us how to hunt, just like a mama barn cat does with her kittens. Muesli, indeed!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
It stays fresher when hidden in the laundry, by the way.
My girls were bringing into the house the birds they caught, to kindly share with us. However, I suspect they thought we were bogarting these treats, because they stopped trying to share with their greedy, greedy humans and began eating them themselves--usually on the neighbor's fancy lawn.
oh how generous you are to Her.
kind and very thoughtful.Imagine turning down fresh rat.
Years ago my first cat, Freddie (my father would never let me have a cat when I was young, so this was my first cat as an adult on my own), a big white tom with golden eyes, caught mice on a regular basis in the little bungalow that I shared with some friends directly after graduation from college. He often left his offerings outside my bedroom door, usually just body parts, heads or feet. Once my bedroom door was left open, and the book that I was reading at the time had been left lying open on the bed, when I came back to it, there was a "present" waiting for me...a mouse tail for a bookmark...
EEEEuuuuuu...thanks, Freddie!
I didn't keep it.
My first cat, Happy, a female, used to bring me Hostess sugar donuts (where she got them I have no clue), which we then "shared" while sitting on the front steps - I fed her pieces by hand, and I don't think she ever noticed that she was eating the whole thing!
How very thoughtful. Possibly she was contemplating what to have with it while eating her muesli.
Good of you to keep it fresh with the laundry too.
We regularly bring Dinah small skinks and geckos.She always thanks us politely, but when we offer them to The Man, he growls at us.
such bownty.
still, i gotz ta demrr on the fresh angul. reelly fresh is still kinda running around. this un looks slitely unfresh ta me. still commendable, but if ya wants a reelly enthooziastik fuss, completely fresh is the way ta go. i'm juzt sayin, ya noe, for next time.
az evrr,
what thoughtful kits you are bringing her such a lovely award...lion used to bring me little field mice and lizards when we lived in california. she was a fine hunter like you ^..^
Many of these winter nights, my girl hunts mice in my bedroom. She waits, staring at the baseboard radiators, the mice' apparent route to the second floor of the house.
Often I am awakened by her growling as she protects her prize from Interested Dogs until I can find it and praise her for her prowess.
Once she's been recognized as Prime Huntress, she goes happily to her kibble and mousie goes down to the watery depths of the septic system.
How thoughtless of Her.
The gift is in the eye of the beholder.
We think this is a wonderful present! We would love it if someone gave us a big juicy rat as a gift; it's very thoughtful!
from Milo =^..^= and Alfie =^..^=
The second picture totally cracks me up! What very attentive felines you are!
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