In the distance the sea glistens silver, close to the rocks are silvered with beautiful lichen, itself like stone. The sky is wrapped around the world and shining like a pearl, and I glow, ginger.

A short walk only to the rock at the top of the hill that is softened by small twisted blackthorn, purple twigs waiting to bud with white blossom.
those are gorgeous photos :D
Would this be Pixie? I haven't sorted their particular ginger markings one from another reliably. What an intelligent and wise little face!
Poet Alice Walker said that "Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful," which i think might be a translation from a Native American expression. At any rate, ginger cats bring light to the dullest landscape! And it looks like the fields are turning green already, while everything here is still sere and brown.
Beautiful beyond measure.
The cat in the photos is the beautiful Maurice. He has stripes. Will put a post on to help identify ginger from ginger. Maurice has a bent nose, I have much more delicate features. We all have lynx ears.
Such an elegant cat -- a tiny tiger. A daffodil farm! How wonderful. I am impatiently waiting for the daffodils to appear in the store. It is too warm here to grow daffodils naturally. It will soon be Saint David's Day and we have to remind all our friends since most people have never heard of it -- yet they certainly know of St. Patrick1
A cat can indeed see the whole world. One day Maurice, all this will be yours!
Those lynx ears must be from your ancient wild cat relatives.All the more to make one proud.
I will look forward to the photo ID's. Sometimes I think I have you sorted. I've seen lots of ginger stripes, somebody has marbled marmalade markings; everyone has the distinctive tabby "M" on the forehead and there are beautiful tails with herringbone patterns.
Teasel, the Morning's Minion cat, has both tabby and Siamese in her background. She has a lovely grey "M" on her face, stripey socks and tail, but she has "mackerel tabby" spots on her sides and her tummy. Being properly named is important and I wouldn't want to upset anyone's dignity. Yes, the lynx ears are distinctive. And the wise green eyes.
Oh I love seeing the kitties roam free like this. It seems so surreal for some reason to see the climbing hills & rocks :)
They always look like Magic moglets to me :)
(Moglet is what Nimh calls Kitties:))
Beautiful photos and we love it that you "glow ginger"!
You are amazing!! I loved this!
the fifth photo made me wish i could offer my animals such views!
what a beautiful area you live in...
I love these photos (especially the fifth one down).
Please could I have permission to use that particular photo on my blog. I am doing a series of tales that involve a giant ginger cat and would love to use the photo on the menu page listing the chapters.
You can read the first chapter here
Please let me know by email to piscesblog at hotmail dot com.
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