The old village on the hill is almost tumbled down now. Time and coincidence brought these two beautiful photos to Her door. The man in the first picture was born in the house next to which he stands. If you look closely you can also see a man in the second picture, a shadow, a ghost, from long long ago.
These pictures have an ethereal quality about them. I wonder if the descendants of those people are still in the Pembrokeshire area, or perhaps they all went west in attempt to find a new life free from persecution. Thanks for your posts, I really enjoy them.
You are very kind to give your human such beautiful and thoughtful awards.
That is what they do a lot in Blogland.
As the old book about "Why Cats Paint" suggests, many felines excel at Art Installations.
What did you think of the snow?
Old photos are often eerie, but you know that already.
I've been reading your blog every day. I enjoy your posts... the photos are beautiful. I feel like I have had a little visit to your lovely corner of the world.
Maes y mynydd! Will you show these to Mr. Griffiths? Perhaps you have.
My Dad would take us sometimes to picnic at a spot where there had been a house. All that was left was the big hearth and chimney. There was a bit of eeriness about the place--or maybe I had a big imagination even then. I wondered about the families who had lived there long before I was born.
You have such a spectacular blog, you might not want to clutter it up with awards, cuz we think you deserve squillions, but we always enjoy our visit here and wanted to give you an award, which you can pick up at our blog.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
being born in a house built of hand-placed stones...
a house so small that intimacy was an unremarked fact of life...
Imagine, the cries and smells of cooking food and chapped hands and lips and excitement, all gone with time.
Or perhaps still vibrant and barely seen by our eyes.
I believe Wales might replace Ireland in my Wished For Places To Visit.
i have a gift for u my furrriend!
go to my blog and take it!
We love the photos and the words. it's always a great pleasure to visit your blog.
I'm incredibly jealous that your home turf has such a rich history.... I have a feeling you would adore where I live -- it's nowheresville, U.S.A., where old cobblesquat properties are left abandoned to rot instead of rent for fear of riffraff inhabiting them. Sounds cruel, yes, but if it were my family place, I'd probably do the same!
anywho, swell site! i always enjoy a swing around it.
How could you not be a story teller, living in a place like this. It is so beautiful. Sorry I haven't been around lately. Had computer problems.
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