While we were out walking the two young two-legs went off with their friends and horses, down the beach in the sunshine. It was cold and Hannah rode bareback up from the beach, fingers chilled, face cold. They seemed to think it a good idea to call in for hot chocolate on the way back to the field. When the horses saw the cave house full of tigers and wolves they were very excited, but soon calmed down when fruit cake joined hot chocolate.
Pixie viewed all from the safety of a tree.
Pixie viewed all from the safety of a tree.

Twolegs warmed hands on glasses of chocolate steaming in sunshine.
PIXIE...you look so good up in that tree ^..^ against the blue sky. you are such a pretty kit.
Happy Boxing Day to you on your enchanted moors...thank you for the magic...
Love these photos too - a wonderful adventure on a lovely day!
Pixie on the watch... just in case. She looks very beautiful amid the branches.
I like the horse trying to get at Tom's hot chocolate tho'! Nice to know that horses have good taste.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog, looking at the pictures and then visiting your dragon paintings!
My daughter stumbled across your Ginger Cat blog while searching for kitty blogs and she passed it on to me.
We live in very cold and wintry Pennsylvania, USA, have visited England 3 times and loved it, so visiting your blog was like a trip back without the hassle of the way air travel is today!
Do stop by and visit my daughter and myself on our blogs!
Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy your walks on the moors. It all looks so wonderfully peaceful and serene.
This yooman is very jealous and would love to ride the horses, too.
hot choclut is duhlicious i think too...
Very nice pictures, I love Pixie in the tree. I am wishing you and your family a very Happy New Years.
Happy New Year to all the gingerwonderfuls!
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