Boxing day, golden light. The air has a cold chill in the sunshine and is full of birds. On top of the hill sunshine slants.

A blue sky day, wild land, empty of people, full of life.

Along this way many have passed leaving messages tangled in thorns that snatch and catch as we walk through, fox and badger, stoat and weasel.

Silver horses greet us, gentle giant beasts that shine in the golden light.

They watch us walk, at peace with all, curious, brilliant.

Brave Kiffer, who knows no fear, decides that a cat can ride a horse.

what a magnificent walk...first kiffer robed in golden sunbeams, and then a magical silver horse. lucky gingers! thanks for taking us along.
Winter in Wales appears to have much green and gold--at least on blue sky days. Animals are such delightful companions on a walk.
What lovely pictures for us to enjoy across the sea.
....absolutely beautiful....
So lovely - is that a wild pony?
Lovely to watch the gingers sniffing the messages left behind and the sheer pleasure of a golden morning.
Bravo Kiffer for riding a white steed! Sir Kiffer of the Fire Coat, knight at paws.
You give us a glimpse into a beautiful world full of beautiful creatures. I'm glad I came here, and I will come back.
Beautiful pictures of magnificent creatures in magical light. The white horse looks like she's in foal and the other horses look wonderfully furry and friendly. As always, the picture of Bella and a cat companion is so touching.
Oh my, these pictures are absolutely stunning! I especially love the ones with the horse.
Thank you!
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