We watched bright birds all day, through the window, and they danced through the trees that still hold tight to their winter branches while the sunshine brought butterflies and the promise of summer, and even the first lizard of the year.
She painted quietly through the day in Her studio.
She painted quietly through the day in Her studio.

Those are fabulous pictures!!!
The birds are so pretty! Now that it's Spring here,we hear birds singing in th eevening again :)
Purrs Mickey
I only recognize the bottom one. What are the others, do you know?
Great Tit; blackbird ;goldfinch
chaffinch: not sure about the others. Is one maybe a green finch? When I lived in England I studied birds in Natural History, so this was fun. But in the States the birds are almost all different, so I had to start all over again. I know the blackbird and the chaffinch are very common but they are two of my favorites.
Starting from the top, greattit, blackbird,goldfinch,chaffinch, greenfinch and female chaffinch.
Beautiful photos.
Do you use a zoom?
The cats have let me answer this one despite being cross with me for them when whoever it was that did it pooed under the litter tray! They are usually at the lens end of the camera after all!
I do use a zoom, not too big a one though, and all of the birds were taken through the kitchen window, which is amazing as I am not too adept at cleaning windows or other housework, preferring to paint and write and sleep and read and anything other than housework, so I was amazed that they came out so clearly!
Thank you, ginger darlings, scolder of ginger darlings, and chrisj. LOL! Why oh why could not the Mayflower have had some naturalists onboard? I thought the girl chaffinch was a goldfinch, and your goldfinch and blackbird look nothing like what we call blackbirds and goldfinches here in the land of nuts and flakes.
Were the cats watching the birds all day too? I would have been. The photos are great. x
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