We were given an award the other day by some lovely aging cats. It is a "Friend of Dogs" award for someone who has a dog as a good friend. Now Bella and Pixie have been friends since they first met, when Bella decided that Pixie was a puppy who needed to be looked after.

Now she likes to make sure that Pixie keeps her ears clean and tidy. When we walk together they often sit in quiet companionship and look at the view. You know you have a good friend when you can sit together in a quiet space of comfort and companionship.
Pixie will look around now, as she wants to be the one to pass the award on.
Pixie will look around now, as she wants to be the one to pass the award on.
Yeah for Bella and Pixie! We love to see cats and dogs living in peace and happiness! Why can't the rest of the world do it???
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
I'm glad Bella & Pixie have each other. Our Shannon has 12 kitty brothers & sisters, but she's closest with Earl. Earl cleans her face and snuggles with her all the time. They're great together!
So sweet. Happy Valentines Day you 2 friends, and all the pretty gingers.
They're both truly wonderful & so loving each other:)....wish my dearly furr felne companion could make friendship with canine;)
Kindly have your say about my reminiscence on feline and human at http://felinesophy.blogspot.com
What a beautiful pair you are, and such dear friends. Perhaps we humans should take note... :-)
I so wish I had that big bear painting in the background. Guess who?
Amazing pictures and beautiful poetry as always!
nellyandjohnny xx
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