Last night a deep darkness fell over the world and the shadow of the earth stole all of the colour and light.

As the clouds washed across the sky we watched. When only a sliver of silver still shone, a whisker of moon, the whole beautiful disc could be seen, and the moon borrowed for a while the copper colour from our coats to wear as a cloak until the shadow moved out into the darkness of the universe and she once more revealed her glory.
Great photo. Our pictures of the event did not turn out at all. Wondrous sight for memories I guess.
Maybe she got the idea to change her colour from her walk with Elmo the other day.
Those are really beautiful. Its funny, because where we are on the planet the moon was so red the whole time.
We watched last night, too. You got some great photos. Where we live, the moon looked a beautiful golden-orange color. My Mommie did not even attempt photos.
My sons and I went outside to view her. It was an awesome sight! We tried to get photos but couldn't get them to turn out.....I think the next will be in 2010, right?
How kind of you to allow the moon to borrow your copper cloaks!
sorry 2 bother u but.......can u visit my blog at wwwcatsrule532com.blogspot.com
please notice that there is NO dot in between www or catsrule532 com
Thx furr sahring great scenery:) It's too bad here in Jakarta-Indonesia hardly could see anything due to cloudy and often raining hard...btw, any sign of behaviour changing of your dearly furry companion when this lunar eclipse performed?
How special is the ginger cat, that the silver-tabby moon chooses to be one when she dresses up?
On Wednesday night, while watching our son's little dog wander round the garden last thing (in upstate New York where we're dog-sitting)I looked up and there was the glorious, misty, full moon an almost bloody red.
I'd never seen anything like it before. I hadn't expected it.
Quite astounding.
I'm glad you three got to see it, as I'm sure, your distant relatives, Ollie and Mimi did in Marrakech...
Sorry, catsrule532, we can't get to your site. Why don't you put a link to it from your blogger profile, then maybe we can.
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