The moon rides in the sky in the daytime and nighttime now. At night the light over all is silver. As the dark gives way to the light the bright bone white of the moon fades to a translucent disc in the clear blue, a paler shade of white.

So far away. The sunlight hides us from the universe, the moonlight lets us see the distant stars, the miracle of space. We stand in the garden at night, look up at the stars and glory in our own small insignificance in the universe. Moon cat, star cat.

I love to look at the moon! But my Mommie does not know how to take a good picture of it. So I will look at your pretty photos!
Wowwww, this is an excellent position to see the moon~!!
You both have the perfect taste~!
Man, that looks like so much fun!
Darlings, you are getting so good at striking remarkable poses for your blog photos. I am quite jealous because I was last featured in my mother's blog about to snack on a bunch of flowers. She never seems to have the camera when I am being heroic or inspiring! With catly love from Monty XXXXX
I saw that same moon the other night from my ginger cat's home in Melbourne Australia.
Gingers, you are beautiful!
Stunning photographs, especially the second one.
Ginger Cats, I love your beautiful pictures and posts! They are poetry. They sing to me *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
i LOVE your cat photos. i have little luck photographing my gang because as soon as they see the camera they want to come over and say 'hi' thus abandoning any picturesque pose they had been holding. the artistry of 'sleeping cats' is limited. i intend to keep trying - inspired by you and yours.
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