Looking around in the studio while She was making a cup of tea, I happened upon an article from a newspaper. Could it be that She was thinking of buying a cat? Greatly alarmed I read on. It seems that humans have "made" a new cat for people to buy.

When She came back I asked her about this piece of evidence, but it seems that She does not need another cat. She said that we are all the cats she needs and wants, but She is doing a cover for a book by Robin Hobb with a hunting cat on and thought it should look like this. But I say, what about me? Do I not hunt, am I not beautiful?

I heard about that giant cat that was created. I do not know what I think about that. Sometimes people think the curly fur from my breed was created. But my breed can be traced back to a single cat: Kirlee, who was discovered in Devon, UK. Kirlee's curly coat was caused by a spontaneous recessive mutation. I guess Kirlee is one of my ancestors!
Of course you are beautiful, and I know She would never dream of replacing you. That giant cat may be big, but big isn't always better. Curl up by the fire and dream about your next cliff-top roaming, and don't worry your pretty ginger heads about a thing.
You certainly are one of the best looking ginger cats I've ever seen - much better cover model:) From a ginger lover in NJ
Whoa, someone made a cat?
4ft leopard? Wow. That is one big kitty!
People do make cats, some make them in moon pots with magic and starlight, others breed together different types of cats to get what they want. These cats are kept in cages and the kittens that don't "make the grade" and "disposed of. and it takes time and science and money, which is why they are very expensive. And this cat is beautiful, but.....
I would never part with any of my cats. They are the best ever fine furred felines that I have lived with and though this cat is beautiful I think maybe it is not right to so manipulate a creature to get a designer pet to impress one's friends, to match the wall paper, to have the biggest cat on the block?
Adopt a moggie and give a stray a good home yes. Genetically manipulate a designer wild thing, maybe not.
Don't you worry, pretty little Ginger cat, that big cat is not a patch on you!
Weehee! More Robin Hobb covers! Lucky you! Too bad I already have all the books, I want to buy them all again!
That big cat is a bit scary, how do you know how a "consturcted" beast like tha behaves? I'm not too convinced either
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