Outside the music of the rain played all day, tapping out a gentle cat claw rhythm on the glass then building to a heavy wave of water washing over the roof and back to a steady beat. And so we slept, curled warm in Hannah's room, on the rug, and we waited for the beat of the rain to stop and the breeze to break up the clouds and for the world to be washed clean again.
The three of you look very content. Hope the rain went away so you could go outside.
You kitties are just so cute, all lined up there on the rug.
You look so lovely and comfortable there on your rug. We wish we had rain like that to wash our dusty world clean. Enjoy it!
-The Unplugged Six
I am trying to think of a suitable collective name for ginger cats - a snugness of gingers? Don't they look gorgeous together!
You look so cozy and snug!
That's so sweet! I wish I could join you! Is it still raining?
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