Saturday, September 26, 2009

The silver edge of the world.

The night is a pool of indigo darkness. Still, hushed, not a dog bark or a fox cry, not a curlew, not an owl hoot. not even the murmur of the slow sea rolling. The only sound the barely perceptible hunting cry of the aerymice as they criss cross the dark.
Shooting stars and a river of light, but best of all the quarter lantern of the moon. Tonight she paints no clouds, but shines a silver path across the ink dark sea, marking with white gold beauty the far distant horizon, the curve of the world, the edge. Beneath the silver waters of the world dolphins sleep.


Lydia said...

and another sigh.

Angie said...

How beautiful.

aromatic said...

Perfect, just perfect! sweetest dreams.........

Deb Morse said...

Soothing. Mesmerizing. Transporting. I just want to lie here curled up and read more and more and more and see Jackie paintings. And then all will be right with the world.

Morning's Minion said...

A lovely word picture--a lullaby to cherish.

ChrisJ said...

Lydia beat me to it. That's exactly what I was going to say -- so consider it done.
So beautifully rendered.

Anonymous said...

How lovely - just lovely. Literally paints pictures in the mind...

Please come to our blog today to support a furry imPAWtant cause fur us companion animals.

Griffin said...

Me too... sigh! What beauty there is in your words... and in the world you describe... sigh!

Kat_RN said...

Perfect and Purrfect.

Unknown said...

Lovely. If you ever fancy sending a submission through for it'd be gratefully received :)

Elizabeth Rhiannon said...

Oh my goodness, that was print-worthy beautiful.