Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The pride and the pack

They have their pack, we have our pride. Sometimes the two come together and we walk.
This is a sad tale.
Ffion knew Pitta, the small black dog, when she was only a twinkle in her dad's eye. From the day the pups were born she had seen and chosen the one that would be hers and at six weeks old Pit went to live at Ffi's house. Small and round as a shilling, snub nosed, warm black puppy, she was ever a bundle of delight. Even as a pup she came to visit and soon her and Bella were good friends and would walk and run the hill, searching the bracken for beautiful scents that filled the nose with stories of creatures, rabbit and pheasant, weasel and stoat.
We taught her manners where cats were concerned, but could only instill respect for ourselves in the black dog. Cats elsewhere were fair game for a chase.
Pitta loved balls, sticks and stones, the beach, cuddly toys especially with squeaks, corks, bits of paper, rock pools where she would wallow like a hippo, walks, the salt wind, sand, birds and play, but most of all and above anything else she loved Ffion and Ffion loved her. ( I, Pixie, slept in Ffion's jumper when I was a kit, and would sometimes curl with Ffion and Pitta on the sofa by the fire.)
A year ago Pitta became ill. Two operations helped to give her a good year of life but a few weeks ago she began to falter and stumble. She came to visit a few days ago and was pleased to see us all again but we knew then that she had come to say goodbye.
She died a few days ago and leaves a space in all our lives that cannot be filled, but most of all she leave the biggest hole in Ffion's heart. It is as if her shadow has been stolen.
So we will miss the black dog, and our hearts go out to Ffion.
The pack and the pride are both diminished in her passing
There is nothing else that we can say.


ChrisJ said...

Our hearts go out to Fifon too. The saddest part of having pets is that they usually go before you do.

The Ginger Darlings said...

Though there are many stories of faithful friends pining away when their human dies also. Such a hard thing, and yet they bring such a lot to our lives. I still remember the dog I had when I was a child. Such a good companion. She could have taught Rosie a thing or two about licking the cream out of an apple turnover without disturbing the cake box!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry to hear about sweet Pitta. Purrs of comfort across the sea for you all and Ffion.

~The Sumac Felines

The Curious Cat said...

oh I'm so sorry...she looks like she was a most beautiful dog and I'm sad that the ties of friendship and companionship have been servered by such a awful event. Thinking of you all xxx

Griffin said...

Condolences to Ffion it's awful when a dog or a cat goes to the Happy Hunting Grounds.

Still, she has this friend with six cats and three dogs to cuddle when she needs it. The pack and pride may diminish a little, but they go on nonetheless.

Dougie Donk said...

Run free Pitta

verobirdie said...

Sure there is nothing more to say, it has been said so well in this post.
I send a lot of love to Fifon.

petoskystone said...

my sympathies to fifon_& to the rest of pitta's pack. tears are the price one pays for love & companionship--a bargain in any case!

Val said...

That is very sad for you all, she looked and sounded like a lovely dog

Morning's Minion said...

Pets are such a huge part of our lives--each with their own bundle of traits that make them endearing and exasperating. Each cat and dog and horse that we have had continues to live in my heart.

JC said...

Oh My ...

We have a dog too & she is having trouble with her hips.

We love our dogs ..

Riley, Al, Jasmine & Ashton

Lyn said...

Poor Fifon. At least Pitta isn't suffering.
They steal our hearts.

Ikaika said...

We send gentle purrs and headbumps to Ffion, the pride and the pack.

Run free, Pitta ...

'Kaika and the Yosemite cats

Deb Morse said...

Condolences. The cats here are draped in mourning as a tribute to you and yours. It was three years ago this week that 21 year old Radames passed and we long for his morning roaring still. Time soothes and heals, but we never forget. Here in SoCal we ring the bell for beautiful Pitta.

aromatic said...

So sorry to hear about Pitta, its always so hard when one loses a very much loved companion. Comforting snuggles to Ffion who is so deeply feeling Pitta's sad loss.
Jane xxx

Ducky said...

My heart goes out to Ffion. It's so hard to make one's heart understand what the mind knows. It seems impossible to understand that this beloved companion in life can simply be gone. When I last went through it, I set my mind to learning a new way to love my little girl, rather than having to somehow separate myself from her. It helped. I wish for Ffion to find peace.

Shammickite said...


Marlene said...

What a beauty and such a gentle looking dog. Purrs and comfort from us too

9, Chani and Marlene

Casey said...

I lost my beautiful black dog just 9 months ago and my heart still hasn't healed. I'm so sorry for your loss.

quiltcat said...

I am so sorry to hear of the death of Pitta. She sounds like a wonderful dog and we know that Ffion and all of you are grieving. Please know that Pitta is no longer stumbling, she is dancing with friends beyond the Rainbow Bridge. And her memory will live on with all of us thanks to your good words.

Anonymous said...

Rest well, sweetheart. You were loved and you gave love and that is all a dog, or mankind, can hope to accomplish that is worthwhile on this earth.

Lydia said...

What a lovely picture to remember Pitta by and to tell us about her so that we, too, feel very sad. When we rescued Abby, our Old English Sheepdog, at age seven, the most important characteristic we looked for was gentleness with our cats. She loves all six of them dearly, (and a little less so the others who come to the outside food bowl at dark each night. But she seems to understand their homelessness or lack of care and doesn't chase while they are eating.)

The Ginger Darlings said...

Lydia, have you seen a children's book called John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat? We think you would like it.

Lydia said...

O, thank you Ginger Ones, for suggesting this book that I did not know. I looked at the photo of the cover and immediately clicked it to my Amazon wish list. I'll buy it this weekend! The midnight cat sounds like our black male cat named Onyx, who came one day from who-knows-where with a debilitating and infected cyst on one of his legs. After surgery and recovery inside he elected to join the two cats who have beds in the garage and freedom outside during the day. He's a fine boy and one of Abby's favorites! Thank you for recommending the book.

There is a short video of Willow at my blog that might find the approval of cats who enjoy sitting on top of a pink fridge.