In the daytime we slept in a pool of sunshine that had dropped onto the bed to warm our fur like fire. As evening came with a chill kiss of autumn we gathered in the room and then at night again we whispered our stories and magic cats tales of old. And also we gave Her an idea, something to do with dragons.
*sigh* your darling Gingers (& tortie) are so adorable. I love reading your blog updates. Your art is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
Aha! One bed... and the gang's all there! Must be lovely to lie down with them all. Nice to see Max on the windowsill keeping an eye out for anything interesting too!
O, so cozy. Their gingerness set against the quilt is heavenly to behold.
Poor me. I am a She that is catless after my feline companion died just before I moved from Britain to France - needs must when you want a 6 acre smallholding you can afford. I have just discovered the dream filled marmalade melange you 3 Gingers exude and I am entranced...I will not be without for long, but it must be The Right One or Two or Three. Until then I shall absorb your ... cattiness ?
for some reason that second picture reminds me of a scene from a horror flick ;)
We love sun too.
Yesterday the sun streamed in and covered our humans bed ...how wonderful it was to sun bathe in comfort ... on a puffy cloud ... I think 9 of us were there ... all at one time and all warmed by the rays.
Not a hiss or growl could be heard ... only low contented purrs.
Sid and the Gang
Fabulous photos. I want to reach in and pet these beautiful cats. They look so happy and content to be back on a cozy bed and closer to you. These pictures make one smile.
Deborah Steckly
I think the cat hair which collects on our bed surely adds to the warmth of the quilts--to say nothing of the comforting weight of warm furry-purry-cat bodies. I do wish that catly disputes in the middle of the night would take place somewhere other than in bed.
I love to sleep in the sunlight and to read about dragons.
Love the second photo, Jackie...the first, too, lovely light, but the second has such cat movement.
Cool photos!
Amazing how much they can sleep.
It's an advantage to have plenty of space in the bed when there are cats in the house - if you want to sleep there anyway.
There are regularly three cats in my bed. The rather majestic tiger striped Lynx spends most nights there as well, even if he sometimes prefers the window sill.
Leopardess, the newbie, really wants to sleep there but is still too shy to stay more than a quarter of an hour or so.
I'm happy if I can get some space for me when it's time to sleep.
The Lair Cats are bad alarm clocks though. The prefer to snooze and cuddle, so it's far too common that I have to rush through breakfast to not be late for work.
I've been lurking for a long time, and it just occurred to me to finally comment and say how much I love your blog. The pictures are wonderful, and I'm enthralled by the way the cats will walk with you. What a beautiful part of the world you live in too! (We visited there years ago and I've never forgotten it.)
I enjoy your your stories immensely. I hope you'll consider sharing pics of your Gingers at Talk2theAnimals 1st Annual Photo Contest.
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