The house still waits, hidden behind a hedge of thorn, for Mr Griffiths to come home. He looks small in the hospital, out of place, and feels so too. His days are spent in waiting also, waiting, dreaming, remembering, lost in time and place, and with all the cats that have ever measured out his life beside him. A litany of cats, Daffyd, Blackie, Smokie, Ebril, Ewan the ginger, his old lame fox and Owain the blind badger, and more cats whose names I don't remember. All waiting.
My copy of Welsh Homes arrived and in it is a photograph of Glyn, so proud, holding the massive Ebril in his arms. In the other photos are images of Glyn in Africa, in his uniform, old photos hanging on the wall, and the markers in the garden of the cats' graves.
My copy of Welsh Homes arrived and in it is a photograph of Glyn, so proud, holding the massive Ebril in his arms. In the other photos are images of Glyn in Africa, in his uniform, old photos hanging on the wall, and the markers in the garden of the cats' graves.
This looks lovely.
Please tell Mr Griffiths "brysiwch wella" from us.
Ok Jackie you have brought tears to my eyes.How sad, how very sad.There is always hope.I shall cross my fingers for Mr.Griffiths also.Best wishes from Canada.
Will he be able to ever come home? I hope so.
Have been checking back often for news of Mr. Griffiths; Sending best wishes for him to return home soon!
I was just wondering about Mr. Griffiths. I hope he'll be home soon!
We send best wishes to Mr. Griffiths from across the pond.
Who says there is no love in the world.One look at this blog will show us we are all united.we from different countries all wishing this dear man and his pets good wishes.Thank you to Jackie for allowing this opportunity live life the way it should be.Caring , loving people.Trusting man and beast with love for all.Best wishes from Canada
Sending our strongest purrs for Mr Griffiths. We know that he is a furry speshal bean and has been loved by many cats.
Finnega, Buddy & Jasmine
Hope he is back with Nadolig soon.
Sometimes, all you need is cats...
Get well soon Mr Griffiths! We send our purrs.
Best vibes from Scotland to Mr G - I hope you get to come home soon.
All love to Mr Griffiths, Nadolig and their sad and lonely house. If Mr Griffiths is near to his time for passing I hope that by some miracle he can return home before he goes.
And Jackie & The Cats, look what you've done. You've made something really important happen. You've enabled people from all around the world to hold Mr Griffiths in their thoughts and send him much love and kindness as he lies in his hospital bed.
Thank you very much.
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