In the late evening we walked up the hill, just me and Her, through the farmyard mud to the hill top high where the ponies grazed. The air was still and cold. And while we were away Pixie and Maurice sneaked into Her studio and photographed the other table. Not the one where She works but the one where everything else lives, the pile that grows higher every day, the chaos. She took a moment away from Starlight to paint on
some prints, a leopard, curled cat.

Now it is late. All are curled tight or prowling the kitchen hoping for a snack. Outside the wind cat rages and pushes her paw through the cat flap trying to snatch away the warmth from the house. The sliver of moon that remains in the sky gives no light and the light of the moon is once again taken to the land of the shadowcats. The doors and windows rattle and the rain washes over the roof like a wave. Storms are always worse by night.
little ones ... tell her that we've all desks like hers. in fact i cleaned mine off a week ago and it is magically covered with stuff again, oh my.
and, wind and storms and darkness make me uneasy too. i particularly don't like all the bumps and scratching sounds and noises when the wind is blowing in the night...
take care ^..^
p.s. i like her new painting
Cats, dear--We try to beleive that the clutter is inspirational and necessary to what we are trying to do. I'm glad that my cats cannot yet send you a photo of the desk and the sewing table. When cat-feet dislodge a pile of books or scatter quilt blocks, then it is time to address the mess.
Wind cats, racing toward the house from a darkening sky, have no good intentions. When they howl and rattle it is time to make tea, wear layers of wooly clothes and sleep at night under a pile of devoted felines.
Eek, good thing my kitties can't work the camera yet, they'd be posting equally messy secret photos! Hope the storm lets up soon...
What wonderful clutter! ...and is that a Jeremy James raven on the windowsill? I love his stuff.
Know o cats that it is the mark of an artist to have one workspace and a large clutter-space. This is why there is much clutter and heaps. If you are veerrry careful it is occasionally possible to sleep on them without them sliding away under you to the floor. At which point a quick exit and fast paw is required.
I am suprised she can get any painting done at all!!
The PM likes to have everything all organized so she can "think". At the rate she's going, she'll not have a creative thought for the next 5 years!
I think She has the right idea. Is the clutter that important? I think not. Her beautiful work speaks the truth.
Purrs Goldie
PS~ We ordered some of Her Christmas cards for next year but I don't know if the PM will be able to bear, sending them all away. We may end up with a polar bear wall, papered with cards!
Dearest gingers and canine friends, I have been following your blog for months and I just love your strong spirits and wise musings. I just started a blog myself, inspired a bit by yours. Today's posting features my pale ginger (named Henry Snickerdoodle) and his housemate, Calico. We sometimes wish we were neighbors with you...
That painting is beautiful!
We have a drawer like that table, where everything lives. My Mommie believes if you can't see the mess, it does not really exist.
OH heavens, welcome to the 'the desk the world doesn't see club'!! If people saw what my studio was like they would wonder how I get anything done.
I am so glad I'm not alone!!
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