Friday, October 19, 2007

Feeding the birds

I sit like the bright sun in the dark thorn trees. Today I am helping to feed the birds, to fill the birdfeeders. Then the birds will think us a benevolence of cats, a kindness of cats, a generosity of cats, when in fact we are...

A danger of cats, a hunting of cats, a murder of cats.

But She saw me and She chased me away saying, "I do not feed the birds to fatten them up for you, Sharp Tooth. I feed the birds to charm them from the trees and watch their bright colour flash and hear their wings like music as they thread through the thorn trees. So be gone and go catch mice."
We think She is joking and She feeds the birds to delight our eyes. Because She loves us.


Boy said...

Wow! She feeds those birds for you guys! Wonderful! Can I go over?

Daisy said...

A danger of cats indeed! I had lots of fun doing the collective noun Meme. Even though I am not much of a poet.

Rowan said...

Oh, handsome but naughty pussycats - I fear that She means it - the birds are being fed to help keep them alive in the cold days of winter so that She may continue to enjoy their beauty. They are not intended as a tasty snack for you:)
You really are very beautiful though with your wonderful autumnal coats. I have a (shh- say it softly) beautiful autumn coloured dog who also blends with the autumn landscape:)

Anonymous said...

I would like someone to feed the birds...TO ME!