Sunday, May 15, 2011

Elmo and the herb garden


Julia Guthrie said...

Now that is contentment :) Kisses to Elmo xx

Unknown said...

Gingerly wonderful...

Anne Boleyn said...

He is so very beautiful! I love being able to stare at him long enough to see how amazing his markings are.

Deb Morse said...

Am thrilled and honored. This film.... so perfect. You have to understand I awoke on a Sunday, rolled over to check mail on phone and here was this beautiful jewel of a piece. So curled up were we watching this on phone in bed on a gloomy Sunday morning. Bliss. Contentment. And comfort. All from a cat getting stoned and licking his nether regions. His fur is remarkable. My own Bijou was fascinated and kept touching the phone with his paw. The bees and chive blossoms were a perfect touch. Much love to you Jackie. And gratitude.

Anonymous said...

'Mo, you are The Prince of All Men and I love you dearly.

Griffin said...

For a moment I thought Elmo was the new Parsley the friendly Lion! Well he is friendly and gorgeous.. and he's in the Herb Garden.

marilyn said...

when i come back, i hope i can be a ginger darling with elmo. that would be heavenly.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Such a wonderful moment and a wonderful sweet animal. Elmo's markings are very fine indeed.

Ducky said...

He looks so pleased and beautiful. What is that piece of music? It's so soothing.

WOL said...

His markings are so beautiful -- like a pattern of wood grain. My grey kittie had that dorsal stripe down her back as a kitten, but she lost it once she grew up.

the Dorset Hare said...

Elmo has such beautiful, beautiful markings - his fur looks so soft and plush - listening to that evocative, gentle music and watching Elmo with the catnip mint brought back memories of loved companions now lost forever - especially my hare, Sophie. Thank you Elmo and Jackie for reminding me of something so valuable.

Dartford Warbler said...

How he loves that catnip!

Lydia said...

Ah, lucky Elmo with his own stash of fresh-cut catnip. This was a delightful break in my day. I loved really studying the beautiful markings on Elmo's head and down his neck and back.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

My yard is too shady for catmint to do well, but we grow it at the cat hospital where I work and it keeps us supplied for many months...