Outside, early morning curiosity. Morning light makes ginger glow. Warm house, cold outside and later rain, so we all stayed in to help.

John came and took away paintings for an exhibition at The Imagine Gallery which is in a place that is a long way away, called England. We helped him pack by holding things in place while he stuck bubbles with tape.
Lovely cat belly! My brown tabby Katie aka miss Honey belly, has the most gorgeous lower tummy of cinder toffee ginger fur and loves to have it rubbed.In fact, she almost typed this comment, she was 'helping' me.
She's got a thing for ginger, she stretched her paw out to the pic of the 'line of ginger'!
Love to all cats and ginger ones especially, from Rosie, Harry and Katie xxx (Sandie's Patch)
No one can fill a seat like a cat ... so furry and warm and incredibly stretchable (our six are adept at consuming whole love seats and sofas).
warm and dry and cozy..... the best part of winter......
Good work Kiffer.
LOVE :-)
But where is Kiffer's head?
That is one long cat indeed.
And how nice of your cats to help with packing I bet this was appreciated.
being cosy with warm snuggly cats beats a hot water bottle...cheeky cat stealing all the space! xxx
A definition of coldoutside: cat stealing space and cozy feet under him!
Kiffer, what food have you been eating? That stretch is amazing! Or is it pilates?
Good luck to her for the exhibition! and awfully good of you to be so helpful with the wrapping! We like to help hold papers and fabric ourselves.
Bet it's nice to have a foof?
My Lucy won't let ANYBOBY touch her princess belly-under pain of death!
Just plain cozy. The worst of the wettest weather doesn't seem so bad when you can share it with a nice warm cat.
I have been away and missed so many posts about the Ginger Cats. I do like the three balls of fur, and Daf with the Ginger Beard. Many many good purrs for Maurice from me.
OHH MY.i see this every morning with my little bundle of BRATTYNESS.I love your cat pics.
Southern California:)
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