Outside there is a storm beginning. It is not cold in the lea of the wind, but where the wind blows the cold breath of the winter cat can be felt. All of the leaves that clung to the tree have been ripped away by the storm cat's claws. Maurice and Elmo and Max are fine, a few sneezes and snuffles, but otherwise fine, but Pixie......
she is in a sorry state and has been placed in the position of favour above the fire where it is dry and warm. So full of cold and flu she struggles to breath and her coat is matted and she looks a very sorry cat indeed. Our brave Pixie, so small and so good. Tomorrow she will go to the vets. Tonight she must stay warm and dry and keep safe from the clutches of the wild wind cat, for little Pixie is the kindest and smallest of our cats and we need her to stay with us.
she is in a sorry state and has been placed in the position of favour above the fire where it is dry and warm. So full of cold and flu she struggles to breath and her coat is matted and she looks a very sorry cat indeed. Our brave Pixie, so small and so good. Tomorrow she will go to the vets. Tonight she must stay warm and dry and keep safe from the clutches of the wild wind cat, for little Pixie is the kindest and smallest of our cats and we need her to stay with us.
Dearest Pixie, please stay safe through the night, and tomorrow Mr Vet will give you something to make you feel better.
*warm snuggles*
One of your biggest fans.
poor Pixie :( stay warm and safe
Stay safe sweet Pixie. And how is Kiffer? You've not mentioned him...
Poor Pixie - matted fur does mean a very sick kitty. We say their fur is all "spiky". Lots of love to her...
sweet pixie please get better soon ^..^
kitty hugs and kisses from lion the wonder cat in virginia
Oh, Pixie. The thoughts of our six kitties and three rabbits drift across the ocean to you. We send the warmth of the Virginia sunshine your way.
awwww.... poor little Pixie.... stay warm and dry.... please be safe....
To Pixie and all the snifflers - get well, keep warm and good luck at the vets.
Hugs from New Zealand.
Poor thing. Be safe and well pixie-cat you're fur will soon be glossy again and full of ginger fire and you will have once more your 'pep an' jinja' as Krazy Kat would say.
Big warm hugs to ya kitten.
Oh my poor little Pixie! Hope she gets well soon! The shots from the vet should help.
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