Monday, July 6, 2009

Pitter patter pad and pat, drip, drop and splatter.

Now the day moves towards twilight and the sky is a dark dark bruise and heavy weight of water. There is no roof on the house at the front and the rain drip drip drips and puddles in pools and splashes through the floor boards and onto the ground. The house looks small and sad and tatty as can be. She stays in Her studio and broods and paints . The dogs wait patiently for moments when She takes them out to walk. We curl together. It is cold. It seems as if the very house is crying. At least Elmo is happy. There are puddlecats everywhere.


Lydia said...

So beautifully expressed in so few words...
Sorry about that rain.

judy in ky said...

My kitties were curled together last night; not because of cold, but because of fright. Firecrackers were going off all over the neighborhood. It's something they have to go through for several nights surrounding the fourth of July here.
I'm so sorry the house looks small and sad. I hope it cheers up soon.

quiltcat said...

Sincerely hoping that the sun and the carpenters will return soon...and that dear Pixie's upper respiratory infection won't be made worse by all the cold, damp, and dust.

Anonymous said...

oh my - this too shall pass in it's time. do not brood, dear lady - out of such a birthing progress shall there be good things?