Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rising wind

We walk around the village in the milky moonlight of a clouded full moon night. The moonshadows are softened by cloudlight. We see the barn owl, a fragile scrap of white, caught in the moonlight and lifted high by the paw of the wind. And the wind cat is rising still and calling her pride to come and play, bending the trees and lifting the waves to moonbows in the spray. The scent of woodsmoke threads through the path of the wind.
Back in the garden we hear the owl, still calling, still hunting.


  1. mmm! Scent of the woodsmoke! Wonderful!

  2. Thank you for sharing the sights and scents and sounds of this day--from first light to moonlight. So much that is beautiful and interesting to store away in words and pictures.

  3. This is a beautiful piece of writing and conjures up such wonderful pictures in my mind.
