Monday, October 27, 2008

Outside, inside.

Outside it is dark. A paw has thrown up few stars to glitter the night sky and they caste little light. The moon is the thinest sliver not yet riding the velvet dark sky. You cannot see even a whisker in front of your face. The wind is rising and bushes blow, bending into dark monsters, cold, biting.
Inside cats curl in every corner, on every cushion. The fire glows with red and gold light. The wind rattles at windows and doors, night monsters wanting to come join us, to curl in the warm and settle to this most peaceful of nights. We keep the doors and windows closed and listen to their wind-singing.

Later we walk the bounds of the village with Her and the dogs, before they curl into bed. There are no street lights here. Nothing to light the way but the moon and stars and if it is possible it has become darker still in the depth of night. The wind turns and twists the few dry leaves left clinging to the winter bones of the trees. The sky sparkles stars, and the clouds are lit bright white against the black, dark sky. Where the light comes from we do not know. Maybe from the clouds themselves. The wind nips at our bright fur and we are glad to be back in the haven of the house, where we curl again before the fire, to dream the night away and wait for day to dawn again. Winter comes.


  1. You sound as though you are cost and keeping out the wind monsters. Keep warm everyone.

  2. oh they look so peaceful...i needed a catkid fix today ^..^ missing my love Lion so very much.
    hugs to the kits....

  3. We love your blog and we have given you an award. Your descriptive writing is exquisite and the lovely photos you take are wonderful. It helps that you have gorgeous ginger kitties and live in such a unique setting. Please visit our blog for your award.


  4. I am so glad that Pixie is better now. I check most days to just read your blog and dream I am in a distant land.
    typical, over the fence is always greener.
    Oscar cat, the great ginger here is not happy, it is the beginning of the snake season and he is not allowed outside.

  5. Yes, definitely keep the monsters out, they will eat everything - even food that belongs to cats and dogs and people.

    Winter's definitely coming when the cats gather for warm snoozes. They will undoubtedly be looking for a lap or two to sleep on as well.

  6. Just found your blog via BATW. How ever did you end up with so many beautiful orange cats? They are lovely!!!

  7. From one crazy cat lady to another, this is how I came by mine. I had a white cat who I raised from the size of a hamster to a great big mooncat who walked with me. When he died I got two gingers. Then a tabby. When one of the gingers died I got two more, Maurice and Pixie. Meanwhile a black cat called Bird came to stay. When Bird died I went back to the ginger cat farm and found Elmo, Maurice and pixie's naughty little brother. Then someone introduced me to Kiffer, dangercat who really needed a safe place to live. So now I have six cats. And when it is cold and raining the whole of the sofa becomes a giant six headed place of purrand i have to sit on the floor.
