Thursday, August 28, 2008

Various positions

Today I am making a study of the science of sleep.

Sometimes it is difficult to tell which end is which.

And Rosie has been taking some sleeping lessons, tired out from searching for some sunshine.


  1. Of course the Ginger Darlings are beautiful, but so is Rosy! I'd love a chance to cuddle her. The Darlings should study Bailey's sleeping fashion. He makes soft little noises, sometimes low and sometimes high. And sometimes he sounds just like a human!

  2. Reminds me of Fat Freddy's Cat doing various sleeping positions such as the 'effete slob' and the 360 degree wraparound.

    These look like the 'gathered paws', the 'half stretch' and the 'tuck under'.

  3. Clearly, young Rosie has more to learn about sleeping. I see Kiffer spending many hours teaching her.

  4. Sweeping is a vewy important science indeed! And it is an art too!

  5. Wonderful blog! Edward and I so enjoyed our visit here. We are both smitten with your new, berry-eating puppy!

  6. All the ways you 2 sleep are so cute!

  7. I know how Rosie feels ...
    Your words are always so beautifully woven Jackie :)

  8. I received a comment on my blog today telling me about your blog and that I would really enjoy reading it and she was so right! You have a darling family of furbabies and I had a great time learning a little about them today!
