It was not my fault! If She had not put venison steaks on the top shelf to defrost then I wouldn't have climbed up to get them. And if She hadn't put all those mugs there then I wouldn't have knocked them off. And if She didn't insist in having a floor made of stone then they wouldn't have smashed. And anyway, they are in more pieces now so that's is better. Isn't it?

Oh Kiffer. You do have a knack for making everything 'better'
Quite honestly you would think she would be more grateful that you have created even MORE mug (shards) to use.
(word verification is 'dionesi' - honest!!)
oh my goodness little ones...stuff happens ^..^
maybe she can make something from the pieces?
Oh dear, this is a too familiar plot. And yes, tile floors are notoriously unforgiving when anything falls on them.
Times like these, one has to simply review all the reasons why we LOVE THOSE CATS IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES!
All her fault...
LOL, love this - so typical but it is too bad about broken mugs and cups. Love these cats - give them lots of kisses for me.
I completely sympathize. I knocked the tree over again. But I thought the more ornaments fall off, the better. Right? I was helping.
Oh Kiffer, not because of too much catnip in the system I hope!
Have you apologised?
Cute ...
Thankyou cats - you have just reminded me that I put a rather large Sea Bass on top of the freezer to defrost and that Some Cats can jump up there (under cover of darkness . . . )
we think that you are just encouraging her to start a new craft of least...that's what we say when somehow or other one of our leaps has resulted in smashed plates. And venison steaks? utterly irresistible!
oh dear, there goes a lovely Philip Wood mug, do you have some glue?
"Guilt in a cat is a fleeting thing..."
Thanks so much for that. I bought the hare mugs in Bath, was only thinking just the oother day how long they had lasted. I had them for a few years. And there were two in the wreckage wreaked by Kiffer the Destroyer. Will look up Philip Wood and see if Kiffer might buy me some replacements from his pocket money!
Oops...our mewmie says not to look to closely at our breakables in our house, more have been glued back together than not!
and, seeing that She is very fond of cups, this gives her a chance to get more. Very thougthful you in this holiday season.
wv: is hersee
(could I make that up?)
I think that all cats have their own feng shui-an ongoing battle-Angie
Have linked to your blog from mine -
Keep up your wonderful blog - Happy Ginger New Year!
Oh dear, oh dear - funny what can get in the way of an innocent cat... I hope now paws were cut by shards.
Recently the Oldest built me a cupboard with glass doors and halogen lamps for my few precious things. Leopardess is secretly trying to get a toe or two in the small opening between the both doors - I've spotted her.
Guess it's just to wait for some unexplainable noise to happen...
amazing the depth of silence after a shattering,isn't it?
I LOVE this blog. I'm listing it in my bloglist so my felinish family can read it. Please come visit my kittles at
Oh Kiffer! I think it's because you're not as orange as the others. You just need more attention, isn't that right? I bet you're the one who leaves his greeting outside the bedroom door!
Maybe She can make a mosaic with the pieces?
Oh, yes indeed, more pieces the better!
Oh My! How did you ever get that shot of the gang all facing out with their tails in the center of the circle? That's amazing!
I was reminded of a book my sister sent to me for my birthday three years ago. Broken for You has stayed with me even though I sent it on its way to a friend after adding a message on the inside cover - and a poem - asking that the book be passed along until it was completely "broken," and for the final person to return it to my sister (I provided her address). Before my friend sent it to Seattle she added some of her artwork to the book, and so I wonder if special touches have been added along the way and I wonder exactly where that book is! So far, my sis has not said anything about receiving it in the mail (I hope it finds her one day).
Anyway, a fine collection of china is key in the story.
Happy Mew Year to all from Feather, Shiva Lullaby, and Willow
To the geengehairs arn Noo Year's Ebe. Close your eyes an eed weel be ober queeck!
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