For Christmas we played parlour games. We played:
1. Pin the tail on the mouse.
2. Pull the tail off the mouse.
3. Wake Her up at 5 in the morning.
4. Sneaking goose ( which involves a great deal of distracting humans and a swift claw swipe into a plate.
5. Who can melt the most elegantly on the sofa (Max won)
6. How many cats can you pile on a two legs.
7. How many cats can you pile on a two legs before they notice ( a very distinct game from no. 6 and usually more successful when the two legs is sleeping) ( max no. is five so far.)
8. Bat the dog ( Elmo's favorite).
9.Who can wee outside the door and not get caught.
10. Unwrapping someone else's present.
1. Pin the tail on the mouse.
2. Pull the tail off the mouse.
3. Wake Her up at 5 in the morning.
4. Sneaking goose ( which involves a great deal of distracting humans and a swift claw swipe into a plate.
5. Who can melt the most elegantly on the sofa (Max won)
6. How many cats can you pile on a two legs.
7. How many cats can you pile on a two legs before they notice ( a very distinct game from no. 6 and usually more successful when the two legs is sleeping) ( max no. is five so far.)
8. Bat the dog ( Elmo's favorite).
9.Who can wee outside the door and not get caught.
10. Unwrapping someone else's present.

Then She made us all work as it seems She is trying to brush up Her drawing skills. About time too.
All in all it was a happy, peaceful Christmas in the Land of Ginger.
All in all it was a happy, peaceful Christmas in the Land of Ginger.
Oh, I love your ginger cats! Lap cats are the best!
ah the blessed peace of a warm house,
I am happy you gingers had a lovely Christmas and you certainly keep busy with all of your games and duties.
My cats play the leg game too.
I have two- can't imagine the weight of five- especially as they sneak up the leg to the chest.
Happy Season & 2010!
Sounds like a grand Christmas. Those games are best played in groups of ginger. Meanwhile single tabby Lucy is content with ribbon to chase and laps to curl up on.
Fun and games in the House of Ginger to be sure.......
and a peaceful time, at least for most of the inhabitants, too it seems.
Compliments of the season.
Kind Regards.....Alistair
Gorgeous ginger pictures as ever!
Now please dear gingers could you have a word with her on my behalf... I have joined her new blog as a follower... and for whatever reason I am not receiving up to date feeds on my blog... I have tweaked everything in sight and I am convinced all the bells and whistles are working this end... so now very puzzled!!! I can only keep up with her blog by clicking on the link on this blog..... does that make sense??
Anyway regardless... enjoy the rest of the festive holiday.. as Christmas in the Land of Ginger sounds quite cool!! xxx
missed out two favourites..
hook them off the tree and bat the decorations
eat the tinsel-ly strands and sick them up....
We play some of those games, but with just the two of us the pile-up game is a bit feeble! But our people gave us a champagne cork. We can make it bounce!
And now, Dinah has given us our own blog!Of course, we still have to share the keyboard...
Henry played snag the turkey...and he loved the foil balls left over from chocolates, batting them downstairs and around the house. He also loved watching the kids sled/toboggan down the hill. Your gingers are so, so handsome.
A lap full of ginger is good!
A late Merry Christmas to all in the Land of Ginger.
Coo! Jackie and Gingers! That's a lovely picture. You do look lovely... and comfortable with the two on your lap!
A wonderful blog, but slightly surreal for me, as the pics of the three together are like seeing my own cat in triplicate. I shall have to inform him at once!
What a warm and cosy Christmas!
We would have enjoyed a nice goose.
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