Monday, September 7, 2009

Conversations overheard on a pink fridge.

Pixie: Oh dear!
Maurice: Well, I wonder if She feels at all upset that the production team thought that a Japanese woman who made clothes for her cats so that they could dress up to look like mice or princesses was more interesting than Her books?
Pixie: Oh dear!
Maurice: And what was all that talk about humans 'owning' cats?
Pixie: Oh dear!
Maurice: Maybe it is best that we don't have a tv.
Max: You did look pretty handsome though in that very first shot.
Kiffer: Blink and you would have missed it!
Pixie: Don't be so divisive, Kiffer. You hogged all the limelight in the Financial Times, let Maurice have his 0.15 second of fame.
Maurice: Do you think She is going to sulk?
Kiffer: I don't care what She does so long as She doesn't dress me up as an ******* mouse!
Pixie: Oh dear!


Rosalind said...

Of all the lovely cats that they could've shown, they fixed on fat, pampered cats who really don't deserve to be considered part of the race! That fleeting shot of you striding up the lane was sooooo short. Perhaps there'll be more of you next week? I wait in eager anticipation.

Angie said...

My human spotted you straight away and agreed about the silly woman ...what a waste when they could have talked to your '2 legs'instead. Maybe there will be more of you all next episode .... regards Sid and the Gang.

Estorbo said...

Hola gatos. The Wooman says to geeb you keesses an thad TB ees feeckle, feeckle. They spen' HOURS feelmeen' an' then they maghe Charpcharpcharp so you doan' recarganize yourselb or eben see yourselb no more.

We doan hab no TB.

Bod we woul' dab lighed to hab seen you...

Griffin said...

Ooh! I thought that was Kiffer and yes, far too quick a shot of him... wasn't Pixie there too? I was sure I caught a glimpse of her.

Jackie is MUCH more interesting than some Japanese nana who thinks a cat needs 'dressing up'. Bah! Only humans need dressing up cos they don't have enough fur on. No cat needs costume, they are far too beautiful without it.

Deb Morse said...

Apparently there is no accounting for editors - film or book, or any sort. That's ok my ginger darlings - YOU know who you are. And by that you are far ahead of most people who pass their lives in dull reflexive behavior.

The Girl said...

Maurice you looked FABULOUS. And right at the very beginning of the programme too....that makes you pretty special. I did a little squeal and pointed you out and felt very smug because I 'know' you.

She would never demean you by making you dress up as a frog, however much she may be tempted.

Morning's Minion said...

It sounds as though full appreciation of the specialness of these cats was not given. I think your household worthy of the whole show. It is quite obvious to anyone following your blog that you are cats of great beauty, intelligence and ingenuity. ["She" and the other 2-legs sound very interesting as well!]

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that you'd be on the next episode!
You did indeed look very handsome Maurice!

M said...

Quite so, Jackie....... Coh! Maurice looked fabulous, though. He was the star of the show.

Brill said...

You appeared twice, I think, and were indeed very handsome. And didn't I spy another shot of you on the trailer, so hopefully there is more of you next week!

quiltcat said...

We have a TV but never watch it 'cause it mostly only gets boring American TV. Disappointing that so little of the glorious footage of you guys was shown...they should save it and make a whole programme just about the Ginger Darlings.

Lydia said...

Pixie is just breaking my heart with those Oh dears.....

The Ginger Darlings said...

Maurice: Have you seen this?
"As a cat owner myself, I can confirm that the prognosis for men is all too pitifully accurate. And for women? Perhaps the book inspired ITV1’s choice of presenter for last night’s documentary about cats, Joanna Lumley: Catwoman.

Not, of course, that I would dare be so uncouth as to call Saint Joanna a sex kitten, but the use of “Catwoman” as a title suggests that we’re meant to think of her that way. At any rate, she’s got the perfect voice for a cat documentary: she doesn’t speak, she purrs.

The programme itself was fluff, obviously: the usual celebrity-travelogue assortment of old news (the ancient Egyptians had a thing for cats) and weirdos (a Japanese “cat tailor” who designs fancy-dress costumes to be worn by the long-suffering pets of the terminally twee, and who says her ideas are beamed to her from outer space).

But really the content didn’t matter at all. It was just an excuse to give us a dose of Lumley. It might as well have been Lumley on windmills or the history of the traction engine.

What a sport she is, though. Some crank fed her the legend of a cat that ate its lady owner and then assumed her form. “How awful!” gasped Lumley, gamely. She was even sweet to the “cat tailor”. Just as we revere Lumley for her ferocity before politicians, we should admire her generosity to loons. "
Pixie: Oh dear!

The Curious Cat said...

Still yet to see it but sorry to hear that you didn't feature much - let's hope for the next episode - and who wants to see a Japanese lady dress up her cats anyway?!! How dull and unoriginal... xxx

Anonymous said...

Actually in a way I hope you are not shown very much - I would hate to think that the privacy of all of you could be compromised in any way. Your cats have the most amazing and natural life I can think of; I dream of my cats having half the fun that yours do!

Poor Joanna Lumley, having to put up with people who exploit cats and don't love them at all. Silly misguided people actually do think that cats such as the dressed up one are spoilt. No, the poor animal is deprived of anything like a normal natural life and it is the weird owners who are spoilt by playing these weird games. It's a shame they can't use cuddly toys instead of a real live living creature. Horrible people! Did you see the poor little cat's face while it was "modeling" the clothes. It was totally humiliated. Seriously it was. As Ms Lumley said, you mustn't laugh at cats. Not ever. They know.

Shammickite said...

Unfortunately, the TV show in question was not shown here in Canada, but I'm sure it will be eventually, it's just a matter of trying to find out when. Ms Lumley is definitely shown here, as I saw her purring about the Aurora Borealis a couple of weeks ago. I'll keep watching... I have to admit seeing cats dressed up in princess togs doesnt do much for me, I'd rather see Pixie and Kiffer and co running up the hillside.

andamento said...

I watched the programme, can't say I was terribly impressed. Ms Lumley did get to visit some nice locations. I hadn't appreciated before just how posh she sounds!

Gigibird said...

All TV programmes these days are clichés – subtly will never be shown on ITV – I knew they had an agenda that cat owners are mainly strange women. It’s a shame ordinary (sorry) cats couldn’t be featured – when it started at a cat show my heart sank.
I only watched it so I could see you lot in action – the glimpse we got was lovely.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sounds like a disappointing forage on the boob tube. That is too bad. You all need a more wild and inspiring medium.

Pee on them...

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Teri dresses us up all the time, but she is the first to say that you Ginger Cats should have stolen the show...she is mesmerized every time she visits your blog and she would have been drawn to your book irresistably.

ChrisJ said...

I have no time for animals being dressed up. How undignified! I see Estorbo found you. I bet he would never let anyone dress him up!! Sorry we missed seeing you over here.

Alistair said...

We have stolen big Als pc while he is snoring upstairs and have added him to your list of human followers cos you cats are COOL!

We are not so cool cats cos we dont have the builders in. What are builders and can you eat them please?

see yous yins later.

Jess and Bailey