Sunday, September 25, 2011

A visit from the Silver Witch

Sometimes people come to stay in our house. This week it was Hannah Willow. She makes beautiful shining things. 

Sometimes hares, sometimes bears, always silver and always they hold a magic. And so does she. And, if we may say, she has perfect hair! She is also, it would seem, a slave to many cats and one of The Sisterhood of Ruralists, along with Tamsin Abbott, Catherine Hyde and Her. And what do they all have in common, apart from their habit of scribbling, in glass, on paper, with paint and with silver? They all are owned by feline creatures!


  1. " owned by feline creatures..."
    As are we all, if we're lucky!
    The Black Twins celebrated their fourth birthday yesterday, still kittenishly entertaining.

  2. Sounds like our kind of people.
    With purrs, Gobi, Stormie and Jaks.

  3. Lovely LOVELY jewellery! * sigh * What a gifted lady (as are you ot cat owned one :-))

  4. I love your photos! I followed your blog, for I knew that y'all love cats and have been helping. I also do, especially big cats! ♥
