Friday, June 3, 2011

On Her blog...... a picture, a competition and a prize.
And part of the prize is a signed copy of Her new book, doodled and scrawled in.


  1. tried posting to her as I am a 'folower' but it suddenly doesn't work. Would you please post for me?

    from Ms.
    "She kept it in her keepsake cabinet, the ornate key to which hung about her neck. It had been a gift from her mother, long passed from the world, a complicated and endearing presence. Once in awhile over the years, she'd been tempted to open it despite the contract. She would take it out and cup her hands around it gently as if it were a child, feeling the cool of its curved surface. admiring the ruby inset. These times she remembered forgotten scenes from her own childhood, sometimes disturbing, others amusing. When ill, she hung it on the post of her bed, and always had illuminating dreams that seemed to hasten her cure. She grew old, and the time was nearing when, as stated, she was authorized to release the mystery. to own it. Time ticked on. Seasons turned to years and decades. Now, eighty years old, her children grown, her works well established, and her lifelong companion deeply asleep beside her, it was finally, minutes before the dawn of that anticipated day. She rose quietly, took the treasure with her, down into the yard, and with dogs trailing close by, she climbed the hill to wait for sunrise. Birds erupted in song as the golden disc appeared over the horizon. There was a friendly breeze from the East brushing her face and nightdress. She unsealed the stopper, inhaled deeply and pulled. A fragrance so sweet it nearly knocked her off her feet surrounded her, and in that moment inexplicable peace shot directly into her heart. Tears of joy dropped silently from her eyes. This then, was the gift - completion and comfort. She became in an instant entirely herself, entirely at ease, knowing all she would ever need to know."


  2. How lovley thank you for sharing this x

  3. Thank you for such beautiful words .. I love your ginger cats they have put a magic speel on me
