Monday, August 30, 2010

Working hard.

When we are not working hard promoting Her work and taking a look at the work of Amanda Popham, which is lovely......

...we like to practice synchronized lounging in sunshine.

Hard work, and Max came to add some dark contrast to ginger splendour. In the meantime Martha became The Cookbook Cat in a cwtch.



  1. Wonderful! It mustbe hard to do synchronized lounging int the sun. Are you going to be in team GB in 2012? you'd get a gold!

  2. Hmm, a new Olympic sport maybe? We'd at least win er, gingery gold.

    Martha is the epitome of comfort. They really are such beautiful cats... not that that is news of course. But they are gorgeous.

  3. They find the best places to nap, don't they...

  4. I love synchronized lounging! What clever pussies!

  5. Martha is such a raggedy old madam now. She's not very well and she won't take her tablet and last week didn't eat for 3 days. She is just so skinny. I was worried that she wouldn't make it through to this week. But she has, and she has been enjoying sitting around in the sun for the last couple of days.
    It is hard not to worry, but she is old, she is tired.
    And we all love her.
    ( The cats have moved their lounging furry selves over to let me , Jackie, have a word here. They have been working so hard helping me get ready for this next exhibition. And now I am threatening to make them sit for me so that I can draw them)

  6. We also have a beloved elderly cat who looks bedraggled and underfed, in spite of being a pampered housecat.
    It is very difficult when these creatures we love become old or ill.
    Cats do have such a talent for making an uncomfortable boney spot look soft and comfortable.

  7. Dear kitty cats, When I read here that you have perfected the art of synchronized lounging I had to smile. Now I have the right description of my cats' activity.

  8. Aw. Cookbook kitty. There is no room above or between my cookbooks to add a cat and I am often told off for this lack of consideration.

  9. Tell the one who paints 'good luck with the exhibition' - it's just a short drive from the studio where we work, so we'll get the boss to call in for a look.

    Glad you had sunshine to bask in ;-) and loving purrs to dear Martha.

    The ginger studio assistant and his tabby sister.

  10. Great, Jackie!! Really enjoyed that. Have missed your posts. are you doing another calendar this year? Or myabe too busy, I guess?

    Maggie x

  11. Martha, you look very regal amongst the books. Enjoy your rest.

  12. Poor Martha. . .feel better, dear!

    Ah, now, you need to use your psychology -- "Sitting" for you to draw sounds like work, but I bet you could get them to "lounge" for you to draw them. . .

    Synchronised lounging is a very competitive sport -- impressive form on the double side lounges. Great technique -- and such eyecatching team uniforms -- Team Ginger is obviously destined for greatness.

  13. My cat is almost 15 and last year he got skinny and obviously felt miserabel. He didn't eat as well and looked dishevelled. I got him to the doctor, who made the diagnose hyperthyroidism and since then he gets a tiny little tablet each day. He gained weight and got well again.

    I put his tablet in a mortar und then hide it in different ways. He is very clever in separating the tablet and eating the rest, but I am clever too :-)
    I hide it in meat, milk and his favourite food.

  14. What is it about cats...they make every place comfortable!

  15. All hail to the gingers and especially to the venerable Martha; it's a real treat to see her here!
    This week we have become a complete household again because we have been joined by a small person of perfect gingerness, Titus by name. I will encourage him to read your blog so that he will understand the responsibilities which the glory of ginger brings to a cat.

  16. Sorry to hear about Martha. Healing purrs from the Lair.

    The Ginger Darlings look so peaceful and quiet. The Ginger in the Lair aka Lynx is not. He has taken the habit of waking me at 4 o'clock every morning. He is a big boy with a very strong voice, and very determined to that.

    ...and breakfast is best in the mornings, isn't it. Tired minions may differ, but that's not anything to care about...

  17. I doan' know why, bod the Wooman say' she woul' lighe to brosh you...

  18. I bet synchronised lounging takes lots and lots of practice until they get it just right.



  20. Your cats are lovely - I look forward to your photos in the future -

  21. Aww such lovely cats! Love the pic of the cat curled up on the cookery books lol.. I have 1 ginger cat, 1 black cat and 1 black & white cat - all real characters :)
