Saturday, July 31, 2010

Green lanes and yellow pillows.

Late morning and finaly She starts to walk, up the green lane that now tunnels the emerald summer light, narrowed by grass and fern and bramble, all full of summer growth.

At the top of the hill pillows of tormentil  soften the grass where the little people of the air criss cross on butterfly wings and glass wings and feather wings, or jump and sing their grasshopper songs in golden grass flowers. A short walk. We rest amid the songs of insects and watch cloud shadows dance across the land.

Then home again as She has work to do, but at home we find rest in the garden where the herbs grow.

The moon has come to rest in our garden of herbs.
 Meanwhile, in the studio, and She is wandering off into a world of painting when She should be thinking of nursery rhymes. Soon She will begin work on the cat book. For now, cheetahs and cherries.


  1. Cats enhance any landscape, but are expecially decorative in gardens.

  2. I love the cat in the planter! I once had a cat who slept curled up in a piece of handmade pottery.

  3. We have a picture of some cats on a walk, too, and one is ginger!

  4. How cute you all are in the garden!

  5. Oh, yes. Do draw cheetahs. A lovely fine big pottery bowl of cheetahs.

  6. I keep thinking that I've just seen the most beautiful pictures ever on this blog - but then come some more.
    Awwwwww, they're just so stunning. I LOVE the flower pot pictures!! :-)

  7. It's one of those posts that made me shake my head again in wonder, absolute wonder that a cat takes walks with you alongside a dog on a path in all seasons, maybe for several reasons...the grandest being he truly wants to keep you company along the way. With tears in my eyes I whisper how beautiful.

    (The link to the cat book failed for me...I hope you tell us more because I would love to have that book.)

  8. A cat's life is never complete unless it is curled up in a container for which a human might have another purpose.

  9. Jackie, this might make you smile. Or gnash your teeth!

  10. It's been a long time since we've heard from you. Here's hoping you are happily busy.
