Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A field of long grass


  1. Ginger, Ginger, burning bright,
    In the grasses of the night!
    What immortal hand or eye
    Could find you when you choose to hide?!

  2. Glad to see the tails flying high in the House of Ginger. You four legged lovelies should all be so proud of your inspiring eulogy for Kiffer-well done. Angie

  3. •●✿⊱╮Hei Gingers •
    I was so sorry to read about your loss; Kiffer seemed to be so special •●✿⊱╮But I am glad he has a fine place to rest now.
    I always follow your blog as I think it is the best one in entire www; the finest stories and lovely pix. Always enjoy all so much, even though I hardly comment •●✿⊱╮
    Thinking of you

  4. I agree with Beatrice! And Ann, and Griffin.

  5. Bye bye Kiffer. I always wondered why your head was a little skewiff. Now I'll never know.

  6. The Kiffer walked with his head on one side because when he was a little kitten and he was called Tango he had an inner ear infection that affected his balance. His movements were strange and eratic, over compensating and jerky, until he came to live i the house of ginger where he seemed to settle and relax. And the head on the side did not stop him from hunting.

  7. A memorable photo and a loving tribute. I know Kiffer will bring someone special to you.

  8. You cats are far more intellectual than us dogs. We dont know any poetry - let along Blake's poetry - so we cant borrow from the classics to enrich our doggy lives. But our Food Lady likes it. She also loves you ginger cats but I am not too comfortable around cats.

  9. I am so sorry to hear that dear Kiffer has passed on. You wrote a lovely tribute for a very fine cat.

  10. Thank you for your explanation. I'm so glad that Kiffer enjoyed living at the house of ginger, even though his time was sadly cut short.
