Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We are not sulking

We are not sulking because Her blog has been shortlisted at The Author Blog Awards and ours has not, no we are not. But we are asking that you go to the page for the shortlist and vote for Her and have a look at the other blogs that have been shortlisted. (Even if you have voted already, because we think that the counting starts again here). Needless to say She is as smug as a cat that got the cream. We know that She only got so many votes because we asked all the cats around the world to vote for Her, but for a while we will let Her think that She is clever.

Her blog is called Drawing a line in time and She is called Jackie Morris. Sometimes it has pictures of us on too.


  1. Oh Gingers, you command and I obey. My cats have me properly trained, so I will head over and vote for Her blog.

  2. Cats are allowed to pout a bit--they do it so dramatically.
    Went and voted for Her blog which is always interesting--but the photos of cats doing catly things are always the best!

  3. It is alright for cats to sulk sometimes--such expressive creatures.
    Voted for Her blog--which is most inspiring, but have to say that you cats help Her a good deal.

  4. OK. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I followed link, registered, & then looked for the darlings' blog. Don't see it...please advise.


  5. I went to the site to vote, but couldn't find your blog listed. Am I doing something wrong? I'll try it again.

  6. Ah, but that's cos she is clever... and that is one very comfortable Maurice!

  7. Awwww! You have to admit, she is quite clever.
    But if your blog was on the shortlist- we would vote for you!
    We loves your blog. My mommy sais its like reading poetry in the woods.
    We love our ginger friends!

  8. Be philosophical Ginger cats someone has to buy the Cat food :0)

    (Oh and our bunch of tabbies wonder if you'll oblige and pass on a meow or two to Max..tell him we made sure our human voted)

  9. I was happy to go vote again! Love the picture of you 'not sulking'. Gingers are such loves.

  10. We voted again, yipee...but Gingers, we always come visit to see you, not her!

  11. Gingers and friends, don't sulk, you are ALL already world famous!
    People write about you in their blogs,watch you on the telly and do articles and photos of you in magazines!
    And.. we all adore you but, I did vote for your 'Two legs's' blog!

    Sandie and the cats & dog xxxxxx

  12. I voted again for Jackie's blog and just figured a vote for Jackie is a vote for the Gingers too

  13. Please tell Jackie I voted for her this morning from nyc.Kate
