Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rosie and Poppy teach snowdrops to fly

She went searching for snowdrops today, but discovered a strange kind of puppy heaven, for in one of the places where the snowdrops lived there also lived Rosie's sister, Poppy.
And a dance of pied beauty and collie chaos ensued.




  1. I adore your posts. You continual remind me that there is beauty in all things. Thank you!
    TK's mom

  2. Rosie and Poppy are adorable! I love border collies... so much so we have one of our own but ours is a brown and white one and just so full of energy that I think there is no wearing him out!! Guess its a collie thing!! lol!!
    Jane xxx

  3. Hard to imagine that Rosie has a sister, perhaps almost a twin?? and so lovely they are together.

    Border collies and snowdrops... two of the most irresistible beauties ever created. After ginger cats, that is!

  4. Rosie Posie is from a litter of 17 puppies, Luanne. There were two mums and we are sure that they knew whose were which but they gave birth to them in a big pile and fed them together.
    Fred is her brother and he is at the daffodil farm not far away. We hear him barking across the fields atnight. Poppy is at Llandegige ( difficult spelling for a cat!)and is Erin Morris's dog. She lives out on the farm all day rootling around and pottering from field to field and when she is tired she sneaks her muddy self into the farmhouse kitchento flop by the aga.
    If you click on the 'new dog ' tab under the post you can travel back in time with Rosie to the land of puppy where she is smaller than Kiffer.

  5. spring is for 'Play!', not for flower-hunting ;)

  6. Such joyous pictures and that phrase "dance of pied beauty and collie chaos" is simply wonderful!

  7. wonderful pictures of Rosie and Poppy playing together...and oh those beautiful grape hyacinths and snowdrops! Ours will show up eventually from under the snow...maybe another month or so. Fascinating story about the two dog mums and their shared litters, too!

  8. I, too, enjoyed this post VERY much. I love the black and white frolic among the delicate green and white of the flowers. My favourite photo is the next to last. The white of the eye and tongue lolling out is priceless.

  9. Such wonderful "Doggie Dancing" going on!

  10. wow , imagine 17 puppies from two mums, were they sisters?What wonderful start in life.Its nice they are close in proximity also.Did they find homes for all 7?Far and wide I suppose.Lovely dogs though, full of life.

  11. Just look at all those snow drops, they are I think, my most favorite flowers. And the two dog -- what fun they are having. Wouldn't it be wonderful if life were all snowdrops and happy puppies?

  12. I keep coming back to these puppies just to cheer myself up. Thank you, Jackie, as ever!
