Thursday, December 17, 2009


Inside the flames dance in the fire. Outside stars shine. Inside lights twinkle in a green tree. Windows rattle as around the house a wolf wind howls and bites cold and sharp. Inside we curl, in corners, on cushions, in boxes. The earth begins to crisp and harden under paws. We listen to the wildness and hope for snow.


  1. Ah,yes! I,too,hoped for long ago.But today, here, I have twinkling blue sea and burning sun.
    (Have you had the results from the vet?)

  2. Dear Ginger Cats, how happy I am to have discovered you! I love your blog, the pictures, kitties and beautiful words. Warm wishes for you all on this cold and windy night...

  3. snow is falling softly here, so maybe soon, soon you will have goose feathers floating down on Pembrokeshire too!

  4. Oh I am with you here on this, hope is the theme of the season.
    For many, hope's birth will be celebrated this Christmas, when a small wonder was born in a rude stable in Bethlehem.
    I treasure what C.S. Lewis wrote about a stable that was much bigger on the inside than on the outside, because it contained the whole universe.
    My cats send you great good wishes for a Christmas filled with catnip.

  5. Your post leaves me warm and comforted, even as I pad around my home here 5,000 or so miles away from yours, in the 60 degree range and clear skies. My cats, including the ginger, are curled against our coming cool evening of 40 degrees and marine layer moving in. Reading. Baking. Sending you warm thoughts.

  6. I love the snow, don't get me wrong but right about now I would gladly ship you some.Its me Laurie from Canada and its past your knees now and growing.Not good walking for cat or beast.

  7. We hope you get a few glittering flakes by Christmas. We have about a foot here already. Very pretty.It is -27 this morning though. Very bitter, not suitable for any creature out of doors. Also we have a new friend living in the berm. A glorious male pheasant.

    Purrs from Canada,
    The Sumac Felines
