Friday, September 18, 2009

The night and the new moon and bells

On this darkest of night while the moon is sleeping we can hear the bells of the cathedral tolling loud and clear across the land like a magical musical box.
Between here and St Davids owls haunt the fields and hedges. Cloud has stolen the stars. The new moon waits to light its cat's whisker light in the black. We have never heard the bells so loud from here in the dew filled night, so still and windless.
And She has been looking at beautiful things whilst listening to the symphony of night time.


  1. You have such power with few words. This is beautiful.
    Following the link to Hyde's work was a really treat. What a collection. I did not see this marvelous owl-and-moon there, though. Is it her work? Or yours perhaps?

  2. Catherine's owl. If you are on facebook look her up to see the complete collection which is for an exhibition coming up soon!

  3. My name is Puss. I am ginger through and through. I am currently in quarantine due to some excessive and very unnecessary travelling by my humans (although I am very fond of them and they have looked after me since I was left in a cardboard box). I am due to be released in 27 days, 10 hours and 50 minutes (as I write). I would be honoured to become a honorary member of the House of Ginger, if that would be possible. Best. Puss

  4. I can almost hear the bells. A soundless night with no wind is so rare and captivating.

  5. beautiful works and love the owl, thanks.

  6. "Beautiful things" indeed, thank you so much for the link. The words describing the night are wonderful and I feel i can almost touch the darkness of it.

  7. Having not been here long, we are still getting to know our owls - une chouette dans la grange - and many voices from the surrounding oaks. We sit as often as we can under the Milky Way and absorb our nights by star and moon into our souls. Your descriptions encapsulate our feelings utterly.

  8. I love to hear the bells at our farmer's market on Sunday... music to my ears! Beautiful works from Catherine... too many favorites to choose! :)

  9. In admiring the photos of the settled parts of the house on Her website, I noticed a naughty ginger cat sharpening claws on the woodwork. A bit of that goes on in this house, as well as the shredding of sofas and chairs. It is a good thing that cats are beautiful, beloved and above reproach.
