Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fame and the FT.

TV in September, Financial Times today. We will be signing pawtographs soon!

Thanks Tom ( and a special thanks from Kiffer) for the lovely article. Come back and walk with us again.


  1. Oh how i am happy for you my sweet cats, what a nice article about you. It is justice, you are so lovely.


    I love you.

    Kisses from France.


  2. That was a great article, with very nice pictures! Somehow Kiffer managed to steal the limelight, despite his dilute ginger-ness.

  3. Loved Tom's article and your photographs. It all makes me feel a bit homesick, but we have had such gorgeous weather for nigh on three weeks and are promised two more at least, that I'd really have a hard time leaving now. I practically live outside on the patio in the summer months, but summer came a little later this year. Your village and surroundings are out of this world. I'm happy to see a little heather there too.cutdo

  4. It is indeed a lovely, lovely article from Tom....

  5. I loved Tom's article - he brought the feel of the area to life so well and his description of each character underlines the complete independence of felines - which is what makes them so unique!


  6. or perhaps shredding said pawtagraph requests!!!

  7. most excellant article. Loved reading and getting to know your landscape even better.

  8. Love the news, quite the celebs but was just wondering when the next Rosie list of edibles comes.She does love her um, food.

  9. Lovely article at and lovely cats :)

    The Lair Cats wouldn't be bothered with long walks like yours seem to enjoy. Well, maybe Lynx, but only if butterfly chasing was included.

  10. I envy those who have ginger cats... most of my favorite kitties have been lovely - or handsome - orange tabbies... But alas, even though I've nine puss-cats here on my 40 acres, I've nary a ginger tabby... Thus, I must visit y'all.

  11. I'm so happy for you regarding the lovely article. You are all most deserving.

  12. Geengehairs, Pleease corm an' beeseet me een Nuevo York when you do your Yoo Ess tour, OK? OK!

  13. Our cat Mable loves going for walks with us. We're lucky enough to have fields around our house and Mable loves to follow us around. She is such a character and is quite happy to amble along most of the time. Every so often she will run at break-neck pace to catch up with us. Mable is a large cat so she sounds like a greyhound when she runs. It was great to read your article in the FT magazine and that we're not the only ones who walk our cats. Our previous cat, Puss was also a 'walker' and would follow us to the shops and back - bless him. Thanks for the article and the lovely pics of your cats - they are gorgeous!

    Hayley & John Chandler - Norfolk

  14. congratulations on the excellent article! These are gorgeous photos too!

  15. The article was stupendous. I love learning more about you and the cats day by day.
    The shot with the tail in the foreground is really special.
