Monday, July 13, 2009

Heavens open

If we were ducks then the weather would be fine. Were we slugs, snails, toads or frogs we would be dancing. But we are cats and cats like the sun. So we sit and curl together in the devastation of the up-turned house and listen, and wait.

It is dark, like twilight. Heavy rain beats the house and the wind cat howls and lashes claws and tail and spitting anger in a maelstrom torrent of tumbled water that falls through the roof, that runs down the stairs, that drip drip drips in puddled circles on the floor.

If we were ducks we would like this. But we are not. We are cats. And we do not like it not one whisker.


  1. oh my - poor house, poor everybody!
    there is a french children's tale about a valley being controlled by a witch - everything is damp, wet and it rains all the time.
    wishing you sunny skies soon!

  2. This is just horrid! I want to put my head down and yowl in sympathy.

  3. Oh My ... when will the roof be done ?

  4. Oh my goodness-what a mess She will have to tidy up when the roof comes back!

  5. Will meditate for clear skies for you until the roof is done! What a nightmare!

  6. Oh good grief! There is nothing worse than wet paws... unless it's wet paw prints everywhere.

    Hope the sun will put his hat on and dry the house out... and let the cats snooze in the garden.

    This looks horrendous. I hope the humans are managing to keep dry too!

  7. Oh My! how can this happen? So sorry for you all, especially for the cleaners.

  8. We are sending you warm, sunny thoughts ...

    'Kaika and his mom

  9. Oh my gard. Dios mio. I sen' you snorkhells.

  10. We understand. And Dinah sends kind thoughts to Her.

  11. Eeeks! We had thunderstorms and pouring rain yesterday over our house in Oregon. It scared us to death, but we had a roof (and lots of snacks to soothe). Maybe some of our snacks will help get you through such awfulness:
    (tasty, eh?)
    Feather, Shiva Lullaby, and Willow

  12. Poor Ginger darlings. Those of us with roofs or sunshine or both feel very sorry for you.

  13. any fish flopping around in the puddles? ;)

  14. No, and I wouldn't like it either. Give me sunny and warm, weather man.

  15. what is taking the roofers so long?!?! poor gingers (& extended tribe)---hope you have insurance for water damage..

  16. ugh, what a misery! hope the sun comes out soon...and that the guys get the roof beams up enough at least to cover with a tarp to keep all the water from coming in the house!

  17. Just found your blog via Lyn. Beautiful cats, just lost my lovely ginger boy,have a peek at him over at mine when you got a min!! noelle

  18. Oh, poor kitties! Don't they have any tarps to put over the roof?

  19. I'm sending you a giant umbrella.

  20. We cannot believe we have only just found you and your wonderful understanding of our feline ways.We are a family of 18 ... all with our own special ways but we are tabby, torty, black and black and white ... not a ginger in site, sadly. Many of us would not be here to tell the tale had our humans not given us refuge.It is amazing what sad eyes and a loud purr will do. We hope your humans get your roof fixed as it must be a great inconvenience. We will keep an eye on the progress over our humans shoulder... she gets so mad when one of us tries to type.

  21. Oh dear! I hope the new roof gets completed very soon, and you can be dry like the feathers on a ducks back.

  22. We hopes that house gets fixed! You are not ducks!

  23. Oh I do hope this mess is over soon for you as I am anxious to read more on your adventures and of course, follow the tails of the ginger cats. I just adore them from afar. I too am under some construction in my home and my 6 cats do not appreciate it either. Good luck to you.

    Deborah Steckly
    Carleton Place, Ontario Canada

  24. Poor kitties in the rain and poor house in the downpour! Wishing you all clear skies and beautiful weather free of gloomy skies.
