Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maurice has been taking naughty lessons from Elmo.

As you can see the ash tree is growing a gown of green leaves.

So, if I stick my tongue out I look rude and if I go like this....

... I look fierce, and if I go like this....... can see my poo is cat shaped!
And if I go like this..... can see that I am just beautiful!


  1. Lovely! And one week after I lost my very old chap Kevin, it's wonderful and comforting to see handsome healthy gingers so full of life.

  2. Oh I love him, I love him. Especially the fierce pose.

  3. Hee hee! What a beautiful boy cat! (And for such a pretty boy, we'll overlook his being naughty!)

  4. very fierce looking! *runs away scared*

  5. Cat shaped poo! You're a genius, Maurice.

  6. Maurice makes a great feline male model :-)

    .. Has anyone read this article?

    "Forget Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp, it seems the real star of this year’s Cannes Film Festival will be a one-eyed rescue cat from Yorkshire.

    Parish councillor Martin Humphreys has made a short children’s film about his cat Midge who has a passion for running, which he is taking to show film executives at the prestigious event.

    Mr Humphreys and 12-year-old Midge are regularly spotted racing each other in their village of Wrose in West Yorkshire but now their antics have made it to the big screen......

  7. Yes Mo, you are, very beautiful. I like your fierce face too, very useful for just in case times.

    And you are a cat, so you ought to have cat shaped poo! In colour too... er you haven't been following a Rosie diet have you?!

  8. Waving Cat shaped poo??? People get all sorts of attention for 'Elvis in a piece of toast' or 'Apple concealing Mother Teresa's image' so i would start teh publicity machine!!!!

  9. Look at that beautiful tail. Do you know this old adage? "If ash before the oak, then we're going to have a soak. If the oak before ash, then we'll only have a splash." (Forecasting summer).

  10. I enjoy your blog, ginger fierce cat, even though I am not too comfortable around cats and our humans get cross when we snap at our cat. She is a haughty being and thinks she is way better than us, but I just cant believe that cats can do cat-shaped poos! love Coco

  11. you certainly are, Maurice. Monty and Winnie will be well impressed with your cat-shaped poo!

  12. I love your funny face in the second photo!

  13. Maurice, you devil you.

    I have to say, I am very, very impressed with your ability to poo in the crook of a tree. I thought I did well having a poo on ice.

    Well done,

  14. LOl! Funny, cat-poohing cat!

  15. I'm in love with this post and this blog.

  16. I love the cat shaped poo. How did you learn to do that?
