Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ancient Ginger

On the wall of an Egyptian tomb of sculptor, Nebamun, a ginger cat catches birds as it hunts with its human. Still bright in its ginger glory the cat has waited through centuries, frozen with its birds in time.


  1. Wow; isn't that just gorgeous! The colors that have remained through time & makes me wonder how many bird species I can name.

  2. Looks like he caught one with his tail too!!!!! Now that's ancient wisdom!

    Was a how-to manual included?

    Purrs Goldie

  3. That is awesome! And much different than the renditions of Egyptian cats my memory is serving up!

  4. Our gingers come from such noble stock!

  5. I had forgotten all about this painting - I learned about it a long time ago in an art history class. What amazes me is how lifelike the cat and birds look compared to the stylized humans.

  6. I love seeing Ancient Egyptian art, lots of cats to see too. Shame a lot of it is fading now :/

  7. The cat and the birds are amazingly lifelike. And what a magnificent set of whiskers the cat has, carefully folded back out of way of the bird in his mouth.
