Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Company of Tigers

At three in the morning we woke Her up and She saw that the world outside was white. Later, much later, She walked with us. The green lane was banked with snow, tunneled with thorn trees and in the distance St Davids sat cloaked in white.

To the top of the hill we walked again, a ginger string of cat beads, amber bright in the white.

The sky was heavy with the promise of more snow.

Yesterday in hospital Mr Griffiths had asked about Maes y Mynydd, so today this is where we walked. The house was cold, and Maurice walked where once a fire had burned in a hearth and warmed a family and cats long gone.

Now only ruins remain and the wind whispers their story to those who will listen and the stones fall, year on year.

Away from the old village we left the ghost cats to wander the walls and the great Garn Y Wlad looked down over us. Cold buzzards circled overhead, and snipe flew out from beneath our paws.

Back home we curled on the sofa and snow flakes fell outside all afternoon. She drew the curtains, heaped coal on the fire, brought a great bowl of hot chocolate and watched The Company of Wolves, in the company of tigers.


  1. Lovely sequence, with a most appropriate feline ending! My cats would love it if we lived in a setting where we could walk like this...and they and i would be a lot more physically fit. How old are the ruins that Maurice and company are climbing on? I love how straight and true the remaining bits of stonework are.

  2. What a gallant parade of ginger cats--and then home to the fire to warm our paws and dream for a bit.

  3. Your photos are timeless. Could be any century, any moor...I love the green with the marmalade orange peel color of the cats.

    Teri and the cats of Furrydance

  4. Those are brave cats, mine would not go in the snow for any reason :-) But they are city kitties...
    BTW I gave you three an award. Would you pick it on my blog?

  5. Agree with Teri - beautiful timeless photos - I especially love looking at them, as it is so different from where I live now in California. Remindes me of 'the old country' when I lived on the Somerset levels. Also LOVE 'The company of wolves' Angela Carters books are the best!

  6. i really loved this kits sure enjoy your walks and visiting with the ghosts of kits past...

    that shot of you on the old ruins...priceless.

    thanks for sharing your trek with us and glad you are all warm and cozy now ^..^

  7. Wow, so much white snow!! Looks like you all had an adventure.

  8. Brave tigers! And the world is blessed to have your ginger brightness on such a grey day...we city cats are inside all day. Our mum follows your adventures and tells us about them, so we can experience them vicariously! You are so lucky to have Her to take you out wandering--even in the snow!
    --Scooter & Angus

  9. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

    You never fail to take me to a magical place, and I thank you...and I have a little giftie for you should you care to come over and retrieve it from me.

  10. Just pure magic...

  11. What a lovely story to read on a cold winter's day. We loved the photos too.

    We do hope Mr griffith's is feeling better now.

    Thee is an award over at our blog for you all!

    Love Milo and Alfie xx

  12. Ginger cats, the color of Welsh gold are so pretty on white snow...and of course, on their favorite blanket!

  13. Those are some beautiful, stunning photos!
