Sunday, January 25, 2009

Paws crossed


  1. Cat's paws are so beautiful and clever. Naughty paws, sometimes.

  2. I just love this photo !! Well, I love all your photos, but this one is so sweet !! I love cats paws, dogs paws too. We had a Black Lab and I used to smell her paws all the time, she always got nervous when I did that :). I love to kiss my four's paws whenever I get the chance, but I've learned the hard way to check that there is nothing there first ;).

    Thanks for sharing your life with us, and allowing us all to go on rambles with you all. If I ever get to Wales, I'd love to go for a real walk with you !!

    Take care all,

    Beth Ann & gang in Michigan

  3. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the gentleman comes back to his house. He obviously misses it, and he is missed to.

  4. Paws crossed to make sure Mt Griffiths returns to his home. He seems quite the celebrity.

  5. Morning, Gingers! Love your pictures :)

  6. Yes, paws crossed that Mr Griffiths will be able to recover.

    I love this photo too, such a lovely pair of paws!

  7. We just love this paws picure! Such BIG powerful smacky but gentle paws.

  8. Such lovely mittens they are! I often warn my kittens not to mix up their mittens...they'd certainly look silly with the wrong colored paws on! Cats do have such beautiful soft paws...mischief mittens, indeed!

  9. Good day, my sweet ginger friends. I have featured you, along with other talented blogs, on my blog and have given you an award! Go to my blog and collect your award for all your fabulousness!
