Friday, November 28, 2008

My cat likes to hide in boxes

In the absence of a suitable tea plate Maurice chose a comfortable box in which to rest.


  1. Oh, he is adorable! And he is a Magic Cat, as he can make himself small enough to fit on a tea plate!

  2. It always amuses me where a cat will choose to sleep. I loved the tea plate :)
    Willow, our tabby has just adopted the 'Aldi' bag for life.
    I 'm tempted to buy her a proper little cat bed, but I know that she will probably only use it for all of 5 minutes!

  3. Ah yes, the joys of nice cardboard.

    The PM made up a nice box for me by the woodstove so I can hibernate away from that newcomer.

    I don't mean to brag but our Music Man actually *makes* boxes. I know, we are very spoiled.

    Enjoy your nap, Maurice.

    Purrs Shade

  4. A golden (if not ginger) rule. In order to find the warmest / most comfortable spot in the house... cherchez le chat!

    I picture you leaning over some tall thing just to get that picture too! He looks very comfortable there... alone with his cat thoughts.

  5. What a perfect box for a cat...nice and deep, and looks like it has green velvet in the bottom, that not only is comfortable, but sets his fur off beautifully.

  6. Ahh! very Lynley Dodd!

    and Sporran adds: I like to make deckle edges on my boxes.

  7. Barxes are the bes' beds. Also fresh painteen's an' designs ^^

    Hola Greefeen an' QC.
