Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday night

White moon in a silver sky. Few stars. Quiet, so quiet that even a hushwing owl would be heard on a night like this.
Max still sleeping.
Maurice still sneezing.
The bone branches of the winter ash tree etched in silver light.


  1. Please Jackie, please write a book. Your writing is so rich and warm. So full of description and so, so beautiful.

    Glad that Max is getting some sleep, it should help him to heal... a little worried that Maurice is still sneezing tho'. A spotted hanky and a warm blanket for him.

  2. we are thinking of Max and Maurice daily and Lion the wonder cat says "get better guys"...

    take care and lots of cat kisses and hugs to you.

  3. I join the others in wishing a speedy recovery to the ginger darlings house. And hope the flu doesn't make the entire round of inhabitants.

    griffin-check out prowling on the right "a book we helped paint" and "somewhere else we walk". The ginger darlings have generously provided Jackie with her own blogs.

    Jackie, I also enjoy your writing, photos and paintings. While I am not able to purchase anything now, I hope that enough can to quickly enlarge your space.

  4. We are sending our positive energy and warm thoughts of recovery from Canada .I wonder what Max's dreams are about.Warm places to sleep, lots of good food and his loving family around him no doubt.

  5. Jackie I agree with Griffin, whole heartedly.You could just take your whole complete blog , put it in book form and wow it would be amazing.When I read you entries it just leaves me waiting for more.I live right across the world from you but you make me feel that your just down the road.

  6. This is poetry, and yes it should be part of a book. You are so gifted.

    Trust Max is feeling better.

  7. Always in my thoughts, and moreso when illness casts its shadow.
