Saturday, September 13, 2008

Autumn moon

The sky is half pale stars half moonlight and the stone road around the village is a silver path. The moonshadows are as deep as the moonlight is bright. The whole world is silver, silver ripples on the spring that rises on the stone road and flows and pools its way down towards the sea. Only the cornfield at night is moongold, warmer. The air is still and across the fields all around the dogs are starlight barking. You can hear the cat claw clack on the hard road, the sigh of the sea. The warmth of a blue sky day has gone and the air has a promise of winter, a chill, a bite. Beneath the moon the smallest of clouds catches falling light.


  1. " claw clack..." Very Dylan Thomas!
    I think I need to come back to Wales!

  2. This was such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing it with the world. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and it's always lovely to see its beauty through others' eyes, to see how it reveals itself in other places to other people.

  3. Your words paint a beautiful picture.I close my eyes and see it perfectly :) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

  4. Trust an illustrator to be such a superb poetic writer. I believe a Mr Mervyn Peake was the same!

    I love autumn... even if my birthday is right in the middle of it... sigh.

  5. Sweet Dreams in the Silver Moonlight!

    Edward and I love your site and have added you to our blog roll to help us find you a bit easier!

    But we don't agree that cats are better than dogs. No matter how wonderful the cats happen to be or in what the dogs happen to roll!!

  6. Your writing is so beautiful, to comment on it is almost redundant. So beautiful1

  7. A few moons have passed since I last looked in and what a moonnight to look in on you once again.

    Young Rosie now has legs long enough for the cats to wander through*!*
