Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The intricate song of summer

We walked in the sunshine, five cats like beads strung out on invisible thread, over the hill to the heather rocks and golden grasses.

Here we rested in warm sunshine and listened to the sound of summer, stonechat chipping, wren song and grasshoppers.

Intrigued by the intricate song of insects Maurice tried to find some hidden in the grass, little knowing that a song so big could arise from a creature so small.


  1. So lovely to see all five cats acting like a pride of lions... ok, small ginger lions but still.

    Maurice's ears are going to twitch like anything if he's listening out for insects.

  2. Lucky, clever cats to go on walks.

  3. I weesh I had some grass onder my feed righ' now. The hart black rooptaps are borneen' my pads!

  4. Who was the fifth, Max or Martha?

  5. A fantastic pic of your five cats, so lovely to have such wondeful walking companions!

  6. Lovely to see you all trailing along.

    I enjoy a good grasshopper crunch. They have not come out here yet. They must know I am waiting.

    Purrs, Shade

  7. Please come and visit me and Mr Bee to collect a surprise ....

  8. I want to walk with you along that verdant path.

  9. Thanks so much for your concern about me being lost in your blog of gingerness... it's okay...I am happily wandering around the countryside... marveling .... and will wander further yet to the other journals and books you mentioned..thanks for the kind words....

  10. Kiffer, I see you were leading the parade!What a wonderful life!

  11. That looks like a very intriguing pathway -- just calling you to follow it. And what a joy if I met the ginger darlings on it!

  12. Hello Jackie (and cats of course!)
    Thanks for commenting on my blog and your kind words about my painting.
    Have often visited your lovely site. Your artwork and words are magical!

    Love to hear about your walks with the ginger darlings. Cats I had as a child did the same.

    Have a good weekend
