Friday, May 2, 2008

King of the Tree

Evening tree climbing. Dusk light falling. Air traced by tracks of bat wing flitter.

One by one the stars blink through the fading daylight. Orange cats glow bright in the setting sun, fireglow against violet sky.

Only a cat can climb so high and together they test the thinnest of branches then fight to be King of the Tree.


  1. Oh dear, fighting in the treetops seems a little unsafe...

  2. I think springtime makes all us cats a little testy. Hart and I had a big fight, but we made up. Now we a just trying to stand the mockingbird that keeps looking at us through the window.

  3. Wonderful climbing pictures. You are just the coolest cats. Don't tell Estorbo. He doesn't know I read your blog...He was wondering what you eat every day (not birds: dinner and breakfast). I said I'd ask. He thought pellets, I suggested kippers.

  4. Elmo: We are not really fighting but playing our favorite game- king of the castle and I am winning. Elmo's always win. Elmo's like to eat parma ham for there breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes for a mid-night snack!
