Monday, April 7, 2008

He ain't heavy....

...he's my brother.


  1. What a great show of affection, or were they cat fighting! Thank you so much for leaving a very nice comment on my blog. I have put you on my sidebar so I remember to come over to read more of your ginger cats tales. x

  2. You are very lucky to have each other. I love my sister Pixie, but she is not the snuggling sort.

  3. Geiger and Sporran love to curl up in ball of night-black fur so no one can tell where one starts and the other stops. Rusty prefers his solitude.

  4. Please go and see my blog!
    my blog address is
    i deleted my old blog thats why u could not get it up on ur computer

  5. What a tangle of ginger cat bodies! I will never see another ginger cat without thinking of you.
