Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I try to make sense of things. One minute I was walking along a street full of houses, looking for a child to sleep on, then I was bundled into a basket and put into a car, taken to this house, which I might say is none too clean, full of dogs and cats. So many.
It is quiet in the house. There is food. I feel a little lost but the beds are warm. Outside there are no cars and the street is very very wide, so wide I cannot see the other side of it. Maybe this is where I will live now?


  1. Oh little lost kitty, it's will be okay! I was there once, too. But Mommy Bean has showed me that this furever home will be all I want. Well that and I gets meals and treats and warm places to sleep and pets and scritches and NOW I gets to blog!!

  2. We're so pleased to meet all of you! And little lost kitty, I know it's scary, but you'll learn to love it. All of here were little lost kitties at one time, and now we're fat & happy & running our own company!

    CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
    Artsy Catsy

  3. Oh, inside is much better! Warm beds, food, treats, fresh water and lots of pets! We think yoo'll find yoo like it.

  4. it's ok! Me was losted too and me finded a new home and it's wonderful! we hopes that you stay! forever homes is so nice!!

    Billy Gingersnap

    Lost Kitty, I was losted and outside too and then I was inside and now I nefur even want to get near a door in case I get losted again! We hopes that you stay there and haf a wonderful life in a new forever home!

    Sammy Meezer

  5. hello! we were all wandering the streets too, when we were 2 months old. we'd much rather be inside, even Grr who wasn't too thrilled about the people at first. welcome to your new home!

  6. Oh I don't see much of that cat in the dark, but the eye is so sweet. I'm sure this cat found the heaven on earth :-)

  7. You are in a wonderful place! It seems scary now but you'll come to love it truly!

    Don't beleive any of that troll business either. ;)

    ~Goldie AND Shade

  8. yu were lost but now yu is found! found yur furever home. furever homes hafs warm winters, cool summers, lots of foods ans most of all lots of luvins.


  9. hello, lost kitty! please g*d, that is your new home--it sounds like She has much love in her, and wants to share wif you!! i was lost once, myself, but now i have a lovely life wif brofurs an' a sisfur, soft beds, lotsa food an' clean water, an' a mom an' dad who love me lots. i am ginger, too, so that makes us kind of cousins!!

    i hope you comes to visit us inna USA; we would like to visit you, also, but my silly sisfur sez she is ascairt to because those wales is very big creatures, an' she can't imagine how kitties can live inna ocean wif 'em! i said she was silly, didden i?? ;-)

    best fishes,
    nitro s pierce

  10. Oh, lost kitty, we believe you will find yourself to be more happy than you can imagine. We will purr for you and you can visit and talk to us at anytime. The beans will be nice, I'm sure

  11. You were never lost kitty, just traveling on your path till you found your way HOME! Purrs, The Cat Street Boyz

  12. Little lost Kittie, don't try to make too much sense of things right now. You're someplace warm and safe, just eat and sleep.

  13. Little lost kitty: you just found your forever home and you will LOVE it! Now we have to find a name for you.... You'll be so happy!

  14. Little Lost Kitty, I think you have found your true home. You will get used to it and love it in time. Inside is much better. You will have food and water and, most importantly, love.

  15. I was recently out on my own too! It was a skeery place out there and I don't have front claws. Then this lady picked me up, tucked me in her machine with wheels and we made a visit to the v-e-t place. After that I had to be isolated for awhile but now I have been out and about in my new home for quite some time. I am really enjoying likfe now.

    I hope this is you new forever home!


  16. And there is love - lots and lots of love!

  17. You are no longer a lost kitty now. Your life begins from this very moment and it is good. Welcome to your forever world in the green bracken filled with wild breezes and delicious peace.
    Miss Peach
